doublepepperoni [none/use name]

  • 194 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • I miss when you could have an entire franchise subsist off ~100,000 sales per entry

    To use another horror franchise as an example, Fatal Frame got 5 games, 1 remake, 1 spinoff and 2 remasters despite selling in the 50-200k range for most entries

    Can we just start making PS2 games again? You could make a game in less than two years without needing hundreds of people on staff

    I’ve been playing through the Onimusha games and it’s crazy to think Capcom made 3 games, 1 soft reboot, 1 fighting game spinoff and 1 GBA spinoff in 6 years. Inbetween 3 and 4 they also made a completely unrelated game

  • I kinda regret being as hyperbolic as I was in the original post and also bringing up the recent accident in Vantaa. I was planning on making a post about rental e-scooters anyway but decided the tragedy was a good illustration of the downsides of at least this specific implementation of the e-scooter. I guess people took my stance as pro-car when it’s more pro-bicycle. I also see the benefits of electric-powered or electric-assisted vehicles for the elderly and the disabled but I don’t think scooters are a good fit for those groups either