I don’t think this contains any spoilers; it’s a general comment about something in Season 2 which is a plot device, but does not give anything away. However, if you haven’t seen Season 2, maybe skip this, as the comments may lead to exposing something.
First, I really like the show. Second, I know this is Entertainment, and many liberties are taken with how things happen. They’re not too bad about Infinite Magazines, but when people do run out it’s usually a plot device – nobody carries extra mags. Stuff like that - there’s a fair amount of suspension of disbelief.
But there’s something that bugs me, and I feel I need to express it, especially for people who haven’t been in the military.
::: In the Uniform Code of Military Justice, it clearly states that it is defensible to ignore an illegal order. I don’t know if it was a consequence of things that happened in Vietnam, but anyone who’s been through basic spent a couple of days sitting in a classroom being lectured about illegal orders, not following them, and how there are protections for not following them. :::
::: Now, I question just how practical that escape clause is. If you think peer pressure in High School was bad, it’s nothing compared to the military. Going against an illegal order; well, that would be really hard. I can’t say I had the strength of character to stand up against an illegal order if I had been given one; thankfully, it wasn’t something I had to face. :::
::: However. Reacher is given a clearly illegal order, which he of course disobeys, and there are consequences. Reacher – of all people – would deeply understand the rules around illegal orders, and I do not believe that he wouldn’t make use of it to protect the careers of his team just by threatening to raise a complaint with JAG. Reacher was a Major, which means he was reporting to an Lt. Colonel – and I do not believe that Colonels have enough power to subvert JAG. His career was broken anyway, and going to JAG wouldn’t have stopped that, but I think he could have easily at least covered his team and prevent them from being persecuted. :::
::: That part just bugs me. They had an officer give an illegal order to a character who does have a strong moral character and is not afraid of consequences, in front of another officer. Reacher could have fought that battle and won, at least for the people under him. The army is vast, these are by all accounts exceptional soldiers and would excel in other units; I just don’t see it. :::
::: Great season, anyway. Just a minor complaint. The Army is no spotless, shining becon of morality, and I utterly believe the underlying historical plot. But that part that bugs me? That was written by someone who’s never been through Basic; it was sloppy, and moreover goes against the Jack Reacher character’s underlying morality who – if nothing else – knows his details. :::