Like the most brain dead neoliberal i am constantly surprised by how sharp Trumps political instinct is. That picture is some Mark Antony showing Caesar’s bloody cloak to the crowd level shit. I’m also reminded of Baudrillard’s point about how JFK and Robert Kennedy were given ‘real’ assasinations beacuse they had a real political program, in contrast to Gerald Ford and Nixon. Trump raising his fist to the cheers of the people as if he’s a revolutionary instead of a puppet of the status quo lmao
Like the most brain dead neoliberal i am constantly surprised by how sharp Trumps political instinct is. That picture is some Mark Antony showing Caesar’s bloody cloak to the crowd level shit. I’m also reminded of Baudrillard’s point about how JFK and Robert Kennedy were given ‘real’ assasinations beacuse they had a real political program, in contrast to Gerald Ford and Nixon. Trump raising his fist to the cheers of the people as if he’s a revolutionary instead of a puppet of the status quo lmao
That image is way too perfect that you have to believe this was a false flag