The bitter fight between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Rep. Byron Donalds over a line about slavery in the state’s revised African American history standards is infuriating several prominent Black conservatives.
Seen from the other side the Atlantic, the most amusing part of the story is that there are black republican…
They exist, they’re all rich. The amount of wealthy folks I’ve spoken to that don’t really agree with any of the republican platform but vote republican because of their tax bracket is too high… Like you talk to them and assume they’d be a Democrat, but nope they have some money so they vote republican.
It’s one of the strangest phenomena in politics. On par with Jews who joined the Nazi party.
at a time when Black Republicans feel they’re making strides within the party.
Lol. Honestly what do they think is the endgame here?
Is it possible that some of these Super PACs are bankrolling black GOP candidates in order to influence and leech away black folks’ support for democrats?
The tin foil hattiness of that question is obvious, but somehow it makes more sense than black people joining/supporting the GOP.
Republicans aren’t all racist towards black people in the same way that all democrats aren’t all racist toward white people. Those who are racist against black people are likely republicans however. This is a problem with the two-party system. The whole point is to win over voters, and a vote is a vote no matter what
I’ve become so cynical since 2016 my first thought after reading this part was " you get what you pay for I guess." I want to feel more empathy but all of us are adults here and responsible for our choices.
I feel like DeSantis is headed for a Jeb Bush “Please like me” moment.
“Please clap…?”
No, you misunderstood the situation. What he said was “Black Republicans are revolting.”
A classic going back to at least The Wizard Of Id.
CJ Pearson, a Black Gen Z conservative activist said, “I think it’s absurd we’re having a debate about whether slavery was good for Black people in 2023.”
If you think that, you might not understand what the modern Republican Party is trying to do.
Black republicans.
Let’s chew on that one for a second.
Black republicans. In Florida or anywhere else. How many, all one hundred of them?I know there is going to be many more than that.
How much self-loathing - aimed at oneself and at one’s own community - is needed to be a “Black republican”?
It’s a sarcastic, rhetorical question. Meaning I’m not expecting an answer.
Before 2016 and so much more so since then, answer must contain greedy mindlessness and cognitive dissonance. These people have been broken inside by the system that actively aims to oppress them, they have embraced it.“THIS IS KANDYLAND!” yelled a crazed Samuel L. Jackson at the end of Django Unchained.
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It’s common knowledge that the Democrats and Republicans switched platforms. It occurred during the Great Depression and finalized the switch during the Civil Rights movement. Current day Democrats are not “racial Marxists”, whatever the hell that means. Current Democrats believe in equality over the rights of the individual, while Republicans believe that their individual freedoms are more important than ensuring equal opportunity. The ones concerned with helping those in poverty (through social safety nets and equitable access to higher education) are Democrats.
If you want to argue which way is better for the country/world, you absolutely can, but it doesn’t help anyone or illustrate your point when you make shit up.
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What the hell are you talking about? I AM a modern leftist. You need to touch grass.
Crime isn’t going “unpunished,” unless you’re talking about how our prisons are so overcrowded from over-policing that people committing crimes are barely serving any part of their terms, or how some city cops are so upset we don’t want them to have fucking drones and tanks that they’re refusing to even answer calls in rough neighborhoods (slums). High taxes?! Where the hell are high taxes chasing away jobs and opportunities? Are you talking about the fentanyl crisis in San Francisco, so people are leaving because they’re tired of their catalytic converters getting stolen? Or are you talking about the insane housing crisis that people like you seem to want to preserve by not implementing any rezoning or a living wage? Don’t forget to bust unions to make absolutely sure their livelihoods are stripped away for any reason at any moment. Families SPLIT APART by feminism?? You mean the women who are going septic because right wing psychopaths are banning abortion? How dare WOMEN look for medical treatment to deal with health issues as if we’re actual PEOPLE, right? Confused. Lol.
Jesus Christ I can’t with this shit anymore. You live in this totally separate bizarro world that doesn’t exist. I’m tired of treating these insane republican fantasies like they’re real. It has nothing to do with policy issues anymore. How does anyone even try to talk to you?? How can we ever even begin to fix this?? You people literally think there are secret cabals of lizard people eating babies. Congratulations. Any hope I had for the future is now dead.
I’ve seen the families split apart by feminism. And to that I say good. They weren’t happy. It was abusers who did whatever they could to keep their spouses under their control. Feminism gave the victims the power to leave and start new loving and happy families.
LMAO, dude just unequivocally proved your original point is not only wrong, but the kind of propoganda that only the most deeply mentally-broken scientologist would believe.
Then you go off on a list of more easily disprovable nonsense! Like you legit said at the end of this to take a look at history while literally ignoring history.
Like people who take “national socialist” at face value and don’t read “actual facist” between the lines. “BUBUBUBU it says socialist HURDUR!”.
Lost souls man…
This is fucking hilarious. You’re literally repeating far right brainwashing word for word.
Just look at blue states.
I took a look, and what do you know, they consistently outperform “red” states by almost every metric.
Boy, if you think Democrats are Marxist then you don’t know your political compass. Both the Republicans use libralism as a base because both take capitalism as granted. Both are technically pro status quo just Democrats believe that they shouldn’t outsource all government and federal assets to the private sector.
Actual leftist infiltration within the party are often looked at as fringe idealist dreamers who are put in places where they must tow the party line or be expelled. That’s why people like Clinton and Biden got the top billing. They were in league with the banks and not going to upset the applecart.
Far leftists grow out of economic hardship just like far right people do. Just leftists don’t think the way to progress is to reset the status quo back to a time where those who are unhappy now are restricted and subjugated back into being unhappy in silence for the whole cycle to begin again… The majority of leftists see Marxism as archaic and ridden with fault. A failed experiment not because the premise of it incorrectly identifying an aspect of the problem but because it was riddled with naivety, violence and a lack of compassion.
The Democrats may not be socially conservative because that’s not their marketing brand but doing small systemic pressure releases like removing restrictions from things like publicly and legally acknowledged spousal rights for gay people isn’t exactly dying on the hills for civil rights either. The democrats believe the beaurocratic game of democracy and capitalism just executed correctly will work. That’s not left. That’s basically just stalling out in the center trying to sit a fence. Calling them leftist is an insult to other the political ideologies that see libralism as a rigged game that will always snowball power unless it is kept in check. To those ideologies Democrats and Republicans are basically the same just the Republicans drank the capitalism flavor-aid and asked for a second cup. If Republicans are in charge you aren’t going to fix the problem. Just attempt to subjugate disparate groups who will find greater and greater solidarity.
It’s a damning indictment of the republican party that the best defense of their behavior they can muster is a tin foil rant about fictional marxists.
You GQP nutters have really mastered the art of saying a whole lot of word soup buzzwords that sound like you have a point while ignoring facts. Do you even know what you’re voting for other than the left is evil so I vote republican?
Thank you for making it so easy to identify who I need to block on this wonderful platform. Your brain is made of silly putty.
Ron DeRacist is his name and racism is his game. Vote this pile of shit out of office in the next election.
My ex’s parents are black Republicans. Because of church. They are nice people, but exist in a bubble. They don’t read news, live in BFE, very poor. All they know is that their friends vote R so they do also. There not bad people, just set in their ways.
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