Sorry about the awkward title; I had a lot of trouble trying to word it.

Anyway, I got my first pair of glasses yesterday. I went in for my first eye exam in nearly a decade, and apparently I have mild astigmatism. So for the past day I’ve been getting used to the sensation of having glasses on (I never cared for sunglasses, personally; I’ve always found them hard to see in) and getting a touch of euphoria about how they conceal the brow somewhat. But then it kinda hit me that I don’t really know anything about glasses, having not used them until age 36. I probably should have asked some questions about it when I picked them up, but I was kinda sick and didn’t want to stick around there too long.

I know I could just google it, but google sucks now, plus, I may as well use the AskBeehaw platform, it’s pretty quiet.

    7 months ago

    Clip-on sunglasses suck, and bad ones can damage your frame or glasses. Get some cheap prescription sunglasses. Get a hard clamshell case for it that will also fit your regular glasses for easy swapping.

    Also, replace nosepads every year or so and clean the gunk that collects behind it in the nosepad holder leg thingy. That thing is a gunk magnet.