Sorry about the awkward title; I had a lot of trouble trying to word it.

Anyway, I got my first pair of glasses yesterday. I went in for my first eye exam in nearly a decade, and apparently I have mild astigmatism. So for the past day I’ve been getting used to the sensation of having glasses on (I never cared for sunglasses, personally; I’ve always found them hard to see in) and getting a touch of euphoria about how they conceal the brow somewhat. But then it kinda hit me that I don’t really know anything about glasses, having not used them until age 36. I probably should have asked some questions about it when I picked them up, but I was kinda sick and didn’t want to stick around there too long.

I know I could just google it, but google sucks now, plus, I may as well use the AskBeehaw platform, it’s pretty quiet.

    7 months ago

    People in this thread are way more cautious with their glasses than I am. I clean them on my shirt frequently! They do scratch slightly over time, but there’s a 0% chance I’ll consistently remember a cleaning wipe every time I’d need one. I have 0 scratches that I can notice, and my current pair is a bit over a year old. I tend to get a new pair every year or 2, and I highly recommend Zenni! I’ve been buying from them for like 10 years now, 0 issues.

    Anti-reflection coating is fantastic, so is the anti-oil coating. Anti-fog coating sucks and it’s worth it (it needs to be “activated” regularly with a special cloth??). The blue light blocking lenses don’t really seem to do anything, but they don’t hurt either.