s3e24 "Menage A Troi
Bonus Quark and Grilka as Wayne and Stacy:
I’m in the middle of a TNG rewatch. This is my next episode. Every time I look at the thumbnail, I just can’t. Even though Best of Both Worlds is so soon after.
I’ve learned to embrace Lwaxana. It’s the underdeveloped Ferengi that annoy me.
Lwaxana really bothered me as a child watching the original run of the series, I think because of how her interactions with Picard and Troi—characters I deeply cared about—were often uncomfortable. As an adult, though, I fucking love every minute of lwaxana, especially on ds9.
Benefits of getting older? There’s only 1, really. Lwaxana becomes a goal. Don’t worry about aging, just age Lwaxana. Have fun, bathe in mud, stop doing stuff you’re expected to do. Be louder.
She should of just given him the current GDP of some world
What’s Federation law on verbal contracts? I feel like this ends with a whole episode of her trying to get out of one after he finds the cash somehow.
Or it would be really boring
Boring?!??! An episode exploring the economic system of Ferengi and its clear obsolescence in the face of advancing technology is boring!?!!!?
I’d like an update on the changing social and economic policies put forth by Moogie and Leeta (with Rom as Ferenginar’s figurehead).