Predictably, all the conspiracy nuts and conservatives are quick to assume that it’s all a plot by some 3 letter agency complete with crisis actors and hundreds of people involved but also sworn to silence.

Whenever I see Americans on the internet talking about how every mass shooting that gets in the news is “obviously” a false flag operation, I have to believe that this is what a dying society looks like: People who need to convince themselves that bad things simply don’t happen naturally and it’s all a plan by some impossibly omnipotent government force to make them into slaves.

Do you guys think something similar?

    2 years ago

    Politically speaking, stochastic terrorism of this kind is beneficial to the ruling class - some level of it will turn the attention from their normal business (which is the cause of the terrorism in the first place) and it also always raise acceptation of police oppression, therefore it empowers the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

    There’s also personal level - just how many of people supposedly having to defend the people are psychos or fascists themselves who have similar worldview but who have an outlet for their hate in work? Let’s just mention the 40% or the dog killings as small examples (and that’s just the police, not to mention letters or military).

    In short - there is probably no conspiration. It does not have to be, because it is the facet of dictatorship of bourgeoisie and it work just like it - shootings are the consequences of unbearable life.