“Why don’t you want to come to my wedding?”

“I want to come but I can’t afford a ticket overseas.”

“Whatever, if you want to stay home and miss out on life that’s your decision I guess.”

Apparently me saying no to this wedding was the last straw for them, because they’re always asking me to do things I can’t afford and they don’t seem to understand why I can’t despite me telling them every time that I am poor. So now I’m the bad person because I’m totally being poor and “holding myself back” on purpose.

If they want to burn this bridge they can fuck right off. I’ve had enough of this shit.

  • AnarchoSnowPlow
    6 months ago

    I definitely attribute my leftism to my upbringing. My mom worked three jobs at times raising me and my siblings. The meager gov assistance we got helped us eat as kids. We still got our heat shut off in the winter, luckily we still had electricity, so all four of us slept in one bed in the room with a space heater.

    When my wife and I were young and we were just starting out WIC and EITC let me finish school instead of working more than one full time job while going to school.

    I worked so hard to make our lives better, but I have been lucky enough to have someone willing to help me in situations that could have been catastrophic.

    So many people don’t have that and that first catastrophe derails everything for them. It shouldn’t have to boil down to luck. It hurts my heart to think of all the suffering we could avoid and all the good we’re not getting because we let luck decide more than effort and innate ability.

    Nobody asked to be born. Dignity, food, shelter, water, freedom, are all human rights.