• it’s incredible how normalized it is in this country for the logistics of our “elections” are so shitty.

    the election is multiple months away, and “we can’t make changes to ballots, are you insane!! who could even do democracy at that speed!?”

    every individual asshole in America can send $100 from a wide selection of financial accounts to any or all candidates at 2am while sitting on a toilet in another state and ordering PPV porno, but changing a checkbox on a decision 60+ days from now is unprecedented.

    the justification that states determine how they do their own elections for federal elections is so antiquated and wack. not to mention, the basis for gerrymandering. even the article of the constitution prescribing it is misspelled in that “it’s the 18th century and the scribe has syphilis” way that we should be far too embarrassed to accept.

    • It’s fucking ridiculous. The UK is able to set up an election in what, a couple weeks after it’s announced? The election date doesn’t even change here, you should be able to change everything else about it until like 3 days before.