The most immediate example I can think of was called “Subverse,” which was directly advertised as some sort of anti-SJW (I think it was called that at the time because woke/DEI weren’t quite in common use yet) pandering game where you played some boring ego insert that had a space harem that marked as many safe dopamine boxes for boring nerds as possible to pander to
gaters and cater to their cooming needs.
The game was boring. Full stop. It was boring. The gameplay itself was shallow and uninspired, and even the le sexy sex scenes were boring according to the general assessment of the very same treat hogs it was targeted to pander toward.
“Yandere Simulator” would count if that steaming pile of irradiated shit ever actually got completed. It was like Star Citizen for kiddie creeping weeb gooners, but less profitable.
I didn’t think it would be possible for an image so panderingly horny to be so uninspired and boring.
Major Kusanagi from GITS isn’t enough of a bimbo for me
I have actually heard directly from cyberpunkerinos treat hogs that the Major was “ruined by wokeness” in later versions. You know, ones where she had more agency and talked and thought about things other than “oh, looks like it’s time to tear my clothes off again to go invisible” fanservice contrivances. Even scarier once the story made it clear that the Major’s original biological form was unclear in both ethnicity and gender and that ultimately that no longer mattered.

wow, an example of material existence influencing ethereal essence through precedence. Woke French existentialist philosophy
it’s because, again, chuds only have skin deep understanding of everything. They don’t understand eroticism at all, they just go “big tits, big hips, this good” this is honestly very visible in any porn game or some such that allows you to create the characters, all of them are incredibly uninspired buckets filled with all the things they think are hot, with no rhyme or reason.
I’m reminded of coming across a rule 34 animation that didnt actually show anything nsfw, it just implied sex. It was a clever work with camera angles, shadows and paper walls. There were so many chuds really fucking mad for “being deceived” it was hilarious
Those are some good insights and observations.
I can even relate them to mainstream porn in general: a lot of it is downright gross, showing unflattering angles that are basically saying “CONFIRMED, flappy balls and asshole in le Reddit glorified jackhammer motions” and such.
Some downright softcore or even non-porn erotica is a lot more sensual and exciting without ever showing that.
There’s a 1990 movie called Ghost with a pretty famous scene involving pottery.
that’s great and all, but it’s too hetero for me
n-no wait w-what I mean is that I would never betray my volcel oath
pls dont take me to horny jail