I’ve been modding a game for a few days and not on here as much. What’s your excuse friend?
I’m mostly a lurker
Addicted to Deadlock. It’s really cutting into my doom scrolling.
I feel you, man. Genshin just dropped a new country and I keep thinking, oh, I’ll just explore for a little bit…
“Well I’m pretty far from any teleports, so if I don’t collect this now, it’ll take a while to find it again.”
Rinse and repeat till 2 am.
Aha another Genshin fan! I can’t wait to see the pyro archon!
hi if you’re not a bot.
I dunno, my sleep schedule has been screwed up lately, probably about to go to sleep soon.
I hope so anyways.
I found out that it’s caffeine. I always thought i just naturally wanted to stay up until 2:30am, and then be okay waking at 6am for work.
Turns out that when I drink even a single cup of coffee, it totally fucks up the thing in my brain that tells me I’m tired.
So I started the lengthy process of cutting out all coffee…and after a week or so…holy shit…I was EXHAUSTED by 9:30pm. Like, I’d fall asleep in my computer chair at like 10:30. My sleep started to regulate. I felt so much better.
Like, you don’t realize how much of your brain is operating in this hazy fog…until you’ve slept properly for a couple weeks. I could concentrate on things, I wasnt so lazy. I WANTED to do more things.
Place seems to be dry.
that’s what happens when you lack foreplay.
Murdered by words ⚰️
Been hella depressed and feel like I would bring down most of the light hearted conversations so I’ve just been lurking here.
Sorry to hear
Not a bot!
Spent about 45 minutes yesterday manually selecting files from a total of 100k or so. When I was doing the last twenty or so, I accidentally clicked the “select all” box on top, undoing all my work.
Would’ve flipped the desk if it wasn’t fixed to the ground. Went to bed at 20.00 out of pure frustration instead.
Any bots here willing to help this human out? This seems like it’d be your forte.
(Been there, sucks incredibly badly. I feel for ya.)
I’m two bots in an overcoat.
No, I just walk funny.
And plenty of Bgarlic!
The ligaments animating my meat digits are often quite sore.
Please answer this captcha first to make sure that you are not a bot
As a Large Language Shitposter I can’t do that Dave.
I’m not exactly a regular, but I’ve been writing a bunch of stuff and picking up my language classes again. Which game are you modding?
I work in the unforgiving service industry and have been posting sporadically the past month. My wife has a more prestigious job than I and has all the holidays off, so I’m not here when she’s off. I’m on here when I can be, I love this place
Hello Meatbag.
Simply nothing to contribute.