The model, called GameNGen, was made by Dani Valevski at Google Research and his colleagues, who declined to speak to New Scientist. According to their paper on the research, the AI can be played for up to 20 seconds while retaining all the features of the original, such as scores, ammunition levels and map layouts. Players can attack enemies, open doors and interact with the environment as usual.
After this period, the model begins to run out of memory and the illusion falls apart.
It’s cool but it’s more or less just a party trick.
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Can’t wait for your self-driving car to go out of memory mid ride.
Honestly I thinkyour self driving example is something this could be really cool for. If the generation can exceed real time (I.e. 20 secs of future image prediction can happen in under 20 secs) then you can preemptively react with the self driving model and cache the results.
If the compute costs can be managed maybe even run multiple models against each other to develop an array likely branch predictions (you know what I turned left)
Its even cooler that player input helps predict the next image.
I’m not convinced. The ammo seems to go up and down on a whim, as does the health
It’s a proof of concept demonstration not a final product. You might as well say the Wright brothers didn’t have anything other than their party trick.
So many practical applications for being able to do this beyond just video games in fact video games are probably the least useful application for this technology.
Such as?