first of all, why do I have to tell the chef how to make the steak? “medium rare”? “well done”? those are words made up by wizards or something. second of all I don’t like how they taste. they’re super expensive and they just taste so boring. chicken goated steak boring. I’m in my early 20s so I’m getting used to some “acquired taste” things slowly like wine and coffee but steak is still so bland.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    22 days ago

    I fundamentally reject any sort of cooking that’s hyper focused on needing the most perfect and super special of all ingredients to work and that’s all about how awesome and cool the ingredients are. It’s far more impressive and valuable to be able to take whatever assorted ingredients and scraps happen to be on hand and produce something wholesome and good from it than it is to “master” the “fine art” of having something “amazing” to start with and not “ruining it” by changing or controlling where it ends up.

    Haute cuisine is bad no matter where its from. Cooking should be something adaptable and vulgar, not rigid and prestigious.