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If our society falls apart and we lose productive forces; but humanity still survives, maybe we could return to primitive communism.

Some people are saying that the climate change crisis will bring humanity back to tribal ages. (I disagree with them; but it’s possible.) In the past, the lack of productive forces meant that communism could flourish.

Society was primitively communist because humans could barely produce enough necessary materials to survive. If humanity were to lose a large amount of their productive forces, could we be coerced into returning to primitive communism?

EDIT: Elaborated on my opinion.

EDIT 2: Of course, this idea supposes that all capitalist countries will fall during the crisis.

  • Sankavara
    2 years ago

    I think we’ve gotten to a point where there is almost certainly no way to completely revert to primitive era humanity.

    Capitalism will adapt somehow, as it always does, a climate change era capitalism. It’s really difficult to predict what it will look like just because of how volatile and unthinkable climate change is. It will look a lot worse than it does now, there’s no question about that.

    As for socialism, if it arises, I think it’ll just become a more difficult struggle. Not necessarily primitive communism.

    Remember, we only have two ways forward: Barbarism or Socialism.