The king seems a little startled at your sudden declaration. He eyes you up and down, and then clears his throat.
“Ahem. Yes. It seems we have some volunteers, but they seem to be from another kingdom. Surely, one of the fine folk of Cam would readily take up the call?”
No one steps forward. The king seems a little apprehensive, and an insight roll tells you that he seems worried, but you can’t be sure about what.
“Uhh, I see. Very well, then, adventurer. What is your name?”
Before we get too much further into this, I’m gonna stop it. Lemmy isn’t really cut out for long term play, and I have to get to work on my campaign for next week. Peb, Ferro, it’s been a pleasure. May all your twenties be nat.
I approach this new king and declare that I shall find this killer.
The king seems a little startled at your sudden declaration. He eyes you up and down, and then clears his throat.
“Ahem. Yes. It seems we have some volunteers, but they seem to be from another kingdom. Surely, one of the fine folk of Cam would readily take up the call?”
No one steps forward. The king seems a little apprehensive, and an insight roll tells you that he seems worried, but you can’t be sure about what.
“Uhh, I see. Very well, then, adventurer. What is your name?”
I am Peb the Girl. A cleric of minor renown. These are my traveling companions:
I am Ferro, a Druid from the once great wilderness outside of your town.
Before we get too much further into this, I’m gonna stop it. Lemmy isn’t really cut out for long term play, and I have to get to work on my campaign for next week. Peb, Ferro, it’s been a pleasure. May all your twenties be nat.
Impressive adulting. Well done.