Anyone else have a similar experience with one of these drives?

      2 years ago

      I did read it, and that was the point that jumped out at me as worth commenting on.

      The rest of the WD RMA fuckery wasn’t really that unexpected, although definitely disappointing. If the article had focused on that I wouldn’t even have commented.

      I have since found out that these drives are used as the storage for some video cameras, which is definitely a use case where backups are not feasible, and maybe that is what happened to the Verge.

      But in all other uses, we should strive to have backups for our data, and given most people don’t backup correctly (myself included) it’s always worth having a reminder of the that… And to be clear, I’m not saying you need to have RAID99 zfs, even a second disk with a manual copy could save a ton of heartache and stress.

          2 years ago

          Karma farming? If you say so, don’t think it worked. And I’ve given everyone ample opportunity to downvote me as penance.

          I am just not happy with the way that article was written, and I expressed that (poorly, it seems). The Verge cheap shot at the end was maybe a bit mean, but hey, not all jokes land, my bad.

          Anyway, seems like at the worst this discussion has brought a lot of attention to WDs product issues, and some light awareness of the importance of backups, so hopefully some good came from it.