Community-Punkte ermöglichen es Mitgliedern von Reddit-Communities, einen Teil ihrer Community zu besitzen, Belohnungen für hochwertige Beiträge zu verdienen und spezielle Funktionen freizuschalten.
Read all about it at the above link. There’s way too much to process here. This is going to be wild.
I know they’ve had a reference to vault in their app for a while now. I clicked on it several months ago and it said something about digital wallet and signups, and I stopped there.
A crypto scam? All this was building to a crypto scam? They burned Reddit to the ground to pump some shitty Redditcoin going into the IPO?
I expect nothing and I’m still let down.
They could still pull another Twitter move and change the name to something like fukit or whatever.
Drink verification can to continue. Use Reddit scrip to order more
…son of a bitch…
Is there even anything new here? Everything mentioned in the OP link has been a thing on Reddit in a few communities for a couple of years now.
Edit: I just checked Wayback Machine, this page hasn’t changed since it was first published in 2021.
I know they’ve had a reference to vault in their app for a while now. I clicked on it several months ago and it said something about digital wallet and signups, and I stopped there.