Hey everyone, I’ve been a DACA recipient since the program started in the Obama years and have held it since, but I’m anticipating it will be terminated under Trump. I’m going to stop the funding to my work 401k and placing all expendable funds in my HYSA (high yields savings account) for the time being. If it ends up being the case I have to go back to my native country I don’t anticipate finding work will be too difficult given that I’m bilingual and have specialized certifications for my career and I can stay with my grandparents. (presumably for as long as I need but I will be reaching out to them) I think there’s a very very low likelihood we’re going to be allowed to continue with the program or given a pathway to accessing a green card/citizenship, so I’m planning for the worst here. Is anyone else in a similar boat? Have any backup plans? Any thoughts you’d like to share? Let’s discuss.

  • AnarchoSnowPlow
    4 months ago

    He managed to wipe out the equivalent of Dallas last time accidentally, so… I don’t think it’s crazy to assume he’ll deport anybody. Hell, he already promised to deport actual US citizens (“anchor babies”).