Profits go up if you don’t invest in your company but instead pay your shareholders. But at some point you atrophied your R&D so much you have fallen behind and then the question becomes, do you bleed it dry and sell it for parts, or revitalize by investing. And if revitalizing is still viable.
Why innovate when line go up?
Profits go up if you don’t invest in your company but instead pay your shareholders. But at some point you atrophied your R&D so much you have fallen behind and then the question becomes, do you bleed it dry and sell it for parts, or revitalize by investing. And if revitalizing is still viable.
It’s almost like maximizing profits over everything isn’t a great idea.
If you are a shareholder that gets the payout and make a profit… it sure is. For everyone else… Who are we kidding. Fuck everyone else.
And only if you’re an old shareholder that wants to cash out.
Or a daytrader.
Small time, long term holders that just want the company to be sustainable… Pfft.
Yup, I was being sarcastic, but I appreciate the response