What, are you gonna drain the pool every time you need to use the scissor lift?
they should just be using a cherry picker instead.
I’m not sure a cherry picker would work here but I don’t know enough about cherry pickers to be able to answer for sure. Like cherry pickers are meant more for up than out and these guys aren’t more than like 16ish feet up and are probably further than that from the closest pool edge, the boom might not be able to go that far out that low with any sort of load on it.
Cherry pickers go out just fine.
I’ve worked in a few over water and slightly below ground level. Yes, you unhook & change to a pfd at the waters edge.
Is this innuendo?
Ah, what a classic—couple scissor jacking in the pool rule
I remember this making Reddit’s front page by way of r/osha - back when Reddit was good.
To be fair, falling off this lift is probably safer than falling off of it when it’s on solid ground 🤷
Not if you miss the water
That’s why you use a harness on solid ground
You harness to the ceiling… So you don’t hit the ground
Shake hands with danger…
Nope, Soviet anthem, November hit the wrong drop again.
Badowm badowm badowm boooooowm!
Not wearing a harness??? Write this man up!!!
This is stable?
Stable? That’s for horses.
What are those? 16m lanes?