Dutch and French authorities have cracked another encrypted communication service that criminals allegedly used to communicate with each other. The service, named Matrix, was the successor to previously cracked services such as ANOM, Sky ECC, and EncroChat. Police were able to intercept over 2.3 million messages and were able to read along with conversations for months.
I almost want to bet this is not a coincidence but rather some security-through-obscurity scheme. This thing is completely ungoogleable, the only way to buy access to it was probably through your trusty black-market sales rep. Although maybe I am wrong, as the thing was marketed under different names, so maybe they were indeed oblivious,
Dutch police said the Matrix app was targeted along with similar encrypted services known by the names Mactrix, Totalsex, X-quantum and Q-Safe.
I almost want to bet this is not a coincidence but rather some security-through-obscurity scheme. This thing is completely ungoogleable, the only way to buy access to it was probably through your trusty black-market sales rep. Although maybe I am wrong, as the thing was marketed under different names, so maybe they were indeed oblivious,