Yeah, we doing Facebook-tier ass discussion now. It’s my social media of choice as an old bumpkin who doesn’t do the Twitter or Tiktoks
If any of you buttholes picks Cena, you’re dead to me. Definitely keeping Lithgow but number two is a stumper.
Leguizamo and Cusack.
- LGBTQ+ rights advocate.
- Regularly calls out Hollywood’s whitewashing casting decisions, e.g., being cast as , and / as and
- Called out for, well,
- Bernie bro and member (I know, it aged like milk, but for a rich lib? Fuck it, I’ll take it)
- Got the shit beat out of him by Chicago pigs at a George Floyd protest in 2020
- Pro-Palestine
solid username lol
Leguizamo is Pro-LGBTQ+?!
Cusack is pretty good.
John Brown and John Arbuckle. Obviously.
C. Reilly and Goodman. It’s a hard choice but I want more Tim & Eric JCR content and I can’t give up The Righteous Gemstones. Eagerly awaiting “You can only save two Jons”.
Yeah that’s the pick for sure
i would pick john cena twice
You had one job and you failed me twice
this is fun and all but can we do one about killing the Pod Jons
Which is the John who Dies at the End?
It’s implied that they’ll get got in the great johntastrophy.
Or they will merge with all of the other Jons in the Jon Instrumentality Project
Fine but we keep Tommy Vitor
I have no idea what he looks like but I did shamefully listen to Pod Save America on my journey through liberalism, temporary Berniecrat, Chapo, and now baby baby leftist.
all these johns i don’t know and no
a shameful display
I’m assuming there’s actually three Johns allowed and OP correctly feels no one should be able to not choose him
Reilly and Goodman. Ez
This is the correct answer. Throw the rest straight into the trash
I’ll save Chef John from Food Wishes Dot Com and then figure out another one from this list.
All I know is Cleese is dead
Do you all see anyone in the panel in the bottom right corner? It looks invisible to me?
No, goddamn this eternal subpar joke
Lithgow, Leguizamo. But losing Goodman makes me a bit sad.
And Cusack has some good stuff to say, if I’m remembering correctly. Damn, this is tough. Lucky we’re all adults in the room making the hard decisions. I’m just surprised that this chat is binding.
Travolta and Cleese. Would be my answer on who to not save.
Oooooo, a twist!
What’s wrong with Cena? He’s done more make-a-wish visits than anyone else.
yeah, afaik john cena has probably done the most good in the world of any public entertainer, steals valor every day, and speaks fluent mandarin
What? That’s cool as shit
He def knew about the Vince McMahon shit and didn’t say anything
ride or die for vince. he def knew
kinda sours the legitimately incredible amount of make-a-wish work
I push Cleese in front of the train or whatever that’s threatening the rest of them