Every account you ever had, every post/comment you ever posted, now has your real name, a photo of you, and your address, all just magically show up on the webpage right next to each of your posts/comments (also, no “hacking” could hide the info). All deleted posts/comments are magically restored and nothing you do (short of permanently shutting down the website and physical destruction of the servers) can delete them. (Any edits would still show every change you made.) How fucked are you?

And don’t think about changing your name, or moving, all this info updates in real time. (for “magic” reason)

(You also cannot delete any future posts.)

  • peoplebeproblems
    2 months ago

    You know I don’t really know.

    Pretty certain my ex would be upset. My lack of sympathy for the death of that CEO could get me in trouble with my job maybe.

    If people I know didn’t think of me as a loner weird guy before they would now.

    Hell I haven’t even posted a witty response to a comment on like a pornhub video or anything.

    Im too boring to get fucked :/