• kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    So weird story about the movie Signs. The first time I watched the movie was at home with a friend on VHS on my 32 inch CRT TV (yes, I know how old that makes me sound).

    So early on in the movie, the protagonist’s daughter wakes him in the middle of the night. She says she saw a monster outside of her room. He takes her back to her room to console her. They talk for a bit, then he looks outside and the camera cuts to his view of the roof and night sky. Some jump scare music plays, then he suddenly looks shocked and afraid. My friend and I were confused. We didn’t see anything shocking or scary, so we rewind the video back and play it through again. He looks out window… roof… scary music… shocked face… we don’t get it. What are we missing? We rewound back to the roof, and paused the video. We got up off the couch and got closer. We stared at the screen from like 2 feet away and didn’t see a damn thing. WTF?

    We figure maybe there is something invisible that he is seeing? Maybe that is the point? Maybe he is crazy? Or maybe our movie is poorly edited and they cut out what he is meant to see by mistake? IDK. We continued watching for a while, and saw several glimpses of aliens soon their after, but no explanation about the roof.

    We didn’t end up finishing the movie that sitting, and we didn’t come back to watch it for weeks, so when we did decide to finish it, we decided to watch it over from the beginning. Again, just my friend and I, same TV, same VHS. That scene rolls around where the girl wakes up dad, says she saw a monster outside her room… walk to bedroom… talk… he looks out window… roof… AND THERE IS A FUCKING ALIEN ON THE ROOF! CLEAR AS DAY! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!

    Scared the shit out of us!

    Still to this day, I don’t have an explanation for this. I’m sure it’s something dumb like someone fiddling with the color saturation on the TV or some shit, idk. But both of us fucking studied that roof the first time and saw absolutely nothing, then the second time there was no missing the alien for either of us! Most effective jump scare in a movie ever (with a weeks long delay).