I really mean this. Most of the time its embarrassing as fuck what they thought going in. Literally, “I thought it would be a dystopian totalitarian nightmare where everyone walked around like zombies.” It’s just amazing to me to see how much people buy into the propaganda they are told. You didn’t have a single nugget of skepticism on that nonsense, homey?
Or, “OMG I did not expect to see [restaurant] here!” Yeah, it’s a modern, thriving economy which by most measures that actually try and compare it fairly to the west puts it well ahead of America. You think some western companies would try and break into that market?
Another good one is, “I can’t believe how nice everyone was!” This one is wild to me because it’s an accidental admission to racism. “I thought the Chinese man would be duplicitous and suspicious of me as is the nature of his ilk!” Fuck off. I would suspect that almost anywhere in the world you go as a tourist most people either won’t pay you much mind or be kind to you as the average person is generally fairly kind and welcoming. Or they want to sell you something because they make a living off tourists. There are exceptions, like the French who will treat you like shit and also try to sell you something while doing it, but otherwise this is true almost anywhere.
Oh and don’t forget the final thoughts segment where they have to add in a caveat that of course you can’t really trust anything any of the people from China say about their country or it’s political situation because obviously they must be frightened that secret CCP agents will jump out of the shadows as soon as the travel vlogger walks away and take the poor Chinese citizen to a political re-education camp. Though, I admit that this sentiment is at least dying down and you don’t see it as much.
Obviously these are the extremes but in all seriousness the travel videos of white people going to China and being blown away by it’s progress are overall pretty based and it’s nice to see the bubble of western propaganda being popped even if it’s the most ridiculous liberals who are doing it.
Do you have any examples you can share?
I am also interested in this slop :3 Seems kinda hilarious lol
I guess it’s nice to see if it leads insulated white imperial core libs to some better worldview but also… yeah
, they shouldn’t have to go to China to figure out that human beings live there
Just did a big response to the comment above you. Honestly if you just want to watch this slop as ‘2nd monitor content’ just search for “FIRST TIME IN CHINA” on the ole 'Tube. Tons of videos on it and most these days are decent. The western brain is getting better, I think. Over the years I’ve found myself wanting more and more to visit China so I’ve seen plenty of this. It’s one of my bucket list travel destinations: Chongqing, Shanghai, as well as Cuba, Vietnam, Nairobi mostly. One day I’ll make an itinerary and hit those places with some surrounding destinations.
So in defense of westerners it IS getting better than it was even 5 years ago but I don’t keep a list saved anywhere. Lemme look and find some shit.
Let’s start off with one that’s fun… this dude is making a video to showcase China to a western audience. He’s impressed and wants you to see modern Shenzen and be impressed, too.
The thing is that you know that he is explaining it to the western ethos and when you think about this tone it is kind of ridiculous that westerners would need this sort of tone to be able to understand that yes, Shenzen, China’s technology hub, is actually a city of the future right now.
Compare that to this video from and Indian point of view.
That part I find interesting. The tone and what they focus on.
Here’s one where these people seem nice but they are sooooo western-brained.
Don’t get me wrong, it looks like a fun trip. Going to a park and riding a roller coaster seems dope. But I don’t think it let’s you “experience what daily life is like” for the people there like she opens that segment in. Like, what? In the middle part when she shares her thoughts she says the city is nothing like any she’s visited while standing in a section that looks like any major city you might see anywhere else in the west.
Or her talking about being “warned” about cameras on every corner. Lady, you live in the UK. That’s London. Of course she immediately follows that up with the “everyone is so friendly” thing I was talking about. It’s Shanghai and you are being a polite tourist. Like I was saying, people almost everywhere love a good guest. Then immediately follows it with “They have SEPHORA!”
So this isn’t China but Cuba but I want to highlight the last thing I said about westerners thinking nobody can talk to them honestly about their countries government and politics because they think an evil communist agent is going to steal them away the moment the westerner leaves.
He literally starts his video out with this strange diatribe. And then there is this entire video of his…
Just complete and total burger-brain. I know I’m moving away from China here but I don’t have any videos I recall specifically regarding China from years ago that are this bad but I did recall these ones about Cuba from Rare Earth because they are so particularly egregious.
I do recall a video from about 5 years ago from Xianjing for a western travel blogger and all the comments on the video were like, “that guy standing there on the corner is Chinese special police ensuring no westerners move away from the main market area” and “you are so blind you don’t see the handlers all around you.” So the treavel vlogger returns a few months later and goes way off the beaten path and addresses the previous comments and of course they were saying, “well the CCP knows about you so they made sure that this area was curated for your audience” along with the obvious “how much did the CCP pay you for this propaganda.” I really wish I could find those two videos they were absolutely wild due to the comments.
I went to Cuba and people weren’t afraid to talk politics. Several of the people in Havana asking for money called the government shit but maybe because they were expecting the American to be anti-communist and build sympathy dunno.
Had many good chats about how Cuba doesn’t have the houseless/drug epidemic and shit healthcare the US does, but contrasted with struggles that they do face like power outages, limited supplies, and limited job choice. Complex situation for sure. (And it’s all America’s fault)
I’m excited to watch all these. Saving this thread for sure. Thanks for all the links!
Just remembered this one! It’s new I say it like 2 days ago. Absolutely peak burger-brain.
Also big Content Warning the Sinophobia and ignorance here is pretty off the charts. I know his schtick is being an ignorant westerner but still… it’s bad.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
That Australian couple is sending me. They seem nice but the surprise at like… fruit… is hilarious
Appreciate it! I was asking because I also wanted to laugh at the burger brain. The comment about surveillance is hilarious as London is the most CCTV’d city in the world lmao.
When I lived in the UK a posh white guy told me he went travelling in China because, verbatim, “no one had ever really been there before”…
I found YouTube links in your comment. Here are links to the same videos on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:
Link 4:
Link 5: