he is the worst regular in all of the treks I have seen (TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT)
his whole thing is representing White american baby boomer dudes
boring as shit
doesn’t belong in space
Torres can do so much better.
I don’t believe this shit about being such a hot shot pilot.
I think he was sent by the CIA.
Neelix was annoying because his used car salesman with-a-heart-of-gold personality was completely wasted on the Starfleet crew
The whole point of his character in the first season was to act as a guide thru an unknown region, instead of becoming a boring cook, he should’ve become the Quark of Voyager, an opportunistic trader and part-time ambassador who would secure the goods but habitually set the b-plot into motion cause he got in over his head trying to acquire 6 months worth of fuel (and a sizable cut for himself) by selling one of the holodecks without the captains’ knowledge