If those are actual impact fuses we see there, he could realistically set it off by kicking them, since they are made of lead. Since someone also took the photo, I assume this was not a live munition, but at the end it is possible. Also, I find this is supposed to be 1945 too. After the first page of Google results I stopped looking for actual information.
It’s been defused, those protuberances would normally have a glass vial with a rubber cover over it, the vial breaks which charges a battery which fires the ignitors.
≈halfway down
Fused, defused… it’s still a big ball of metal packed with hundreds(?) of kilograms of explosives. Big nope.
As long as the detonators are missing it isn’t much more dangerous than sitting on a fuel tank.
Okay but is it actually defused or did they break off? Because that is what it looks like, they were not actually removed, then there would be nothing.
Do you want to know how they’re defused? It involves a hammer and moving rapidly.
I recently saw a documentary about the Ballymanus mine disaster, a tragic and cautionary tale to stay far, far away from these things if they ever cross your view.
Is there a kidsarefuckingstupid?
this particular photo may be related more to the parents
Highly probable, but if the parents are that stupid there’s a pretty good chance the kid is too.
Humans have truly gone from A to Z in the way we treat our children in a really short time.