I was looking around to see what else USAGM(us agency for global media) funds besides the obv RFE/RFA/VOA. So I looked on USAGM website to see what else they fund, they also fund Office of Cuba Broadcasting, Middle East Broadcasting Network and Open Technology Fund. I never heard of the last few, so I check Tech Fund. I see stuff about supplying internet to areas (I presume giving technology to armed insurgents or something) and other stuff. I look to see who These People are funding, and now I see they fund a shit load of tech projects, donating thousands upon thousands of dollars to each project. One of them is a Tor Browser. This is kinda weird because Tor Browsers market themselves as being more subtle with your info and stuff, yet they are being actively funded by the US Government’s Media Branch. What do you guys think?

    3 years ago

    When you dig into this kind of stuff there’s so much to be suspicious about. It seems like most online privacy projects have links to the US intelligence apparatus. Signal is another big one for example, there’s reason to be suspicious about Proton Mail as well. The journalist Yasha Levine writes a lot about this topic.