Do you think USA will ever have worker led revolution?
Top answer (translation):
It’s basically impossible, because the core of the problem is whether the majority of the people in the United States have a unified ideology, whether they have a clear understanding of the relationship between the enemy and us, whether they have a unified revolutionary program, whether they have a tightly structured revolutionary organization that can lead the people, and right now it seems that they don’t have one, they’re just purely dissatisfied, they’re just purely venting their anger, and they haven’t even realized that these are all an oppositional conflict between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. They’re still immersed in the identity politics lies woven by capital, so it’s basically impossible for Americans to start a real revolution to overthrow the capitalists.
You need to be on Xiaohongshu to help make sure disgruntled Americans see real input like this.
What is “the enemy”? It’s like wh40k guys refer to chaos.
The bougousie and the capital/oligarch class. There is a little context missing in translation, bit it seemed relatively apparent to me.
This phrase made it not clear
The translation was wrong/not accurate. It should read “they haven’t even realized that these are all an oppositional conflict between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie”.
The literal translation for 敌我矛盾 is “contradiction between the enemy and ourselves”, but it just means opposition in most cases.
Thank you for this! I updated the translation