He couldn’t resist biting his lip and looking ridiculous. The very first public Nazi salute by the actual president will go down in the history books with that idiotic look on his face.
Be grim and serious. You’re a fucking Nazi. Act like one.
I think I just learned the difference between neo-Nazis and Original Nazis.
Original Nazis are grim and serious. Neo-Nazis are “just joking.”
“It’s a prank, bro, it’s just a prank!”
“A prank? You invaded Belgium!”
It’s because they are cowards
Reactionaries use meme culture not just because they’re terminally online but also because it makes their behavior seem either benign or just confusing to outsiders. They find it hilarious that they can be really explicit and still fly under the radar. The Alt-Right did this with Pepe the Frog, the OK sign, even the milk glass emoji for a hot minute. The more inexplicable the meme, the better. You get the point where Stephen Miller is flashing Nazi signs from the White House and the [Trump] Presidential re-eletion campaign is releasing 88 ads of exactly 14 words and there’s still a debate about whether the administration is racist. Because journalists aren’t going to get their heads around that. You tell them “1488 is a Nazi number,” it’s gonna seem a lot more plausible that you’re making shit up.
I think this is super important that you figured that out. It’s how they get people to go along if they’re hesitant.
Even “calling a taxi” and “calling a waiter” would be pretty sus if you put your hand over your heart first and then rapidly raise your hand. Even more so if you do it twice in quick succession after you gave a fascist speech.
Yeah, I think the subtle differences in calling a taxi are more noticeable in motion. I would say it’s the same height as the Nazi salute, but easily distinguishable by the motion. Usually you’ve got one finger pointing, and/or you’re doing a waving motion with your hand. As you said, you are not making the movement of a salute gesture.
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Elon doesn’t realize that on Night of the Long Knives 2, he’s probably going to be one of the first to go.
Can’t wait to see AI really shine when they use it to edit him out of all of these photographs.
Is that the reason, his uniform in the meme is brown instead of black?
Oh and here I foolishly thought he was a nazi because of his actions and rhetoric. Silly me!
The Marco Rubio got me.
is he like really short or what is the joke exactly?
He’s a small person, regardless of his height. I think he’s short too.
I think DeSantis is shorter.
Conservatives and lifts name a better combo
Every trump supporter is a nazi. fuck em all
Using that word a bit liberally
I think you’re still in the denial stage
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We went hundreds of miles beyond not understanding why they want to join our side. They fight against their own interests and empower the rich they claim to oppose. They’ve had his hypocrisy and misogyny shown countless times.
We are past trying to convince them. They deserve ridicule and punishment, and any of them that want to self-examine is up to them.
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I don’t think my girlfriend’s dad is a nazi, I think he’s gullible and confused.
If your girlfriend’s dad is sitting at a table with 10 Nazis, then you have a table of 11 Nazis.
Trust me, I get it. I’ve been grappling with the fact that my parents are fucking fascists.
I’ve been struggling with the cognitive dissonance that all of my family are veterans and most are somehow conservative thanks to religion. Wearing the uniform and voting for these traitorous shitbags is still baffling to me.
That shit will never add up to me. It’s bad enough to see the switch from, “support our troops!” fervor directly to Trump’s, “I don’t like soldiers who get caught,” and the various other outright scandalous things he’s explicitly said about the military and individuals who have served… I can’t even imagine that happening in a military family.
Just shows how insane this is. It’s like a fucking social contagion.
Not every German Nazi wanted to murder Jews or participated in atrocities. Plenty of Nazis were just “good Germans” who voted for them and lived day to day.
Don’t make excuses for Nazis.
I think you’re still in the denial stage
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Just move to the Ghetoo. Don’t be scared, don’t let your emotions control you.
Just get on the train. Don’t be scared, don’t let your emotions control you.
Just go into the communal shower room. Don’t be scared, don’t let your emotions control you.
Just take a deep breathe of the deadly chemicals. Don’t be scared, don’t cry like a little bitch.
It’s been at least 20 years of watching this devolution for me and the ‘oh they don’t mean that, oh it was a joke, oh he’s just misled, oh they’re not really racist, you’re just being emotional, he’s obviously trolling’… is what’s got us here. Enough
People treat him like he’s gullible and confused, and he knows that excuse will work, and let him support Nazis with a clear conscience.
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This made me chuckle, thank you for the levity in a weird place in my life.
no it’s ok though. The ADL said it wasn’t a nazi salute.
Who hails a cab like that?
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Is there another way? Hand out to the side like that is for buses too, letting them know you wanna be picked up.
I feel like it’s higher than waist level, and you’re not extending your arm and hand out straight like that. It’s more of a motion, that you obv. can’t portray in a still shot.
I would say it’s about the same height as the Nazi salute, but clearly distinguishable by the motion, and what you do with your hand (usually like a wave or point type thing).
I’ve always done this. Hand above my head.
Off topic, but:
Just curious, what was the angle of attack of the Will Smith slap?
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Shit. Somehow that feels like it happened decades ago, and two weeks ago, at the same time.
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Videos or it didn’t happen
It’s not just the single gesture that’s the issue It’s the hand on heart then the salute Then doing it a second time
Like if it was hand on heart, salute, salute there would be like a teaspoon of plausible deniability
But the hand on heart, salute, hand on heart, salute, is what makes it undeniable to me
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maybe they should stop saying hitler things and doing hitler things
Is that not a nazi salute?
U C, he not did hold his hand out there long enuff. Or, or, or, he not did no bcuz he do not ever get 2 C American history x. Not ever1 has seen that movie. May be win he watch it he will pologize but he mite not and that’s ok 2 if he rlly not no.
I can’t imagine defending the shit honestly. There’s a reason fox cut to the crowd in their broadcast of the event. It obviously made someone uncomfortable.
“It was just a coincidence that he aggressively put his hand over his heart and then did the Roman solute multiple times. Just a string of accidents where he mistakenly and enthusiastically did something that looks exactly like a Nazi salute.”
Cope harder
Really? You sure about that? Want to maybe take a look at the video first?
Ok, so imagine that you’re a billionaire and a really smart dude (as claimed by so many people on the internet). And you get into government and appear on TV and want to look good. You might hire a publicist, a PR team, some speechwriters, hell how about a body language consultant. When you go on TV you’re going to project exactly the image you intend to. Anything less would be careless and stupid, right?
So yeah. This was a Nazi salute. And if you really want to argue that it wasn’t, that Musk doesn’t even know what a Nazi is, you gotta also accept that he’s grossly incompetent and should not be in government at all. Throw him out, we didn’t vote for him.
Damn I haven’t seen this image in yeeeeaaarrrss… thought it was passe by now. Good job!
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