Milestone passed with the debut of Linux 6.14 rc1.

      1 month ago

      ~15k lines of actual Rust code.

      @   git clone && cd linux && tokei
      Cloning into 'linux'...
      remote: Enumerating objects: 10655741, done.
      remote: Counting objects: 100% (1067/1067), done.
      remote: Compressing objects: 100% (208/208), done.
      remote: Total 10655741 (delta 961), reused 859 (delta 859), pack-reused 10654674 (from 3)
      Receiving objects: 100% (10655741/10655741), 5.13 GiB | 13.37 MiB/s, done.
      Resolving deltas: 100% (8681589/8681589), done.
      Updating files: 100% (87840/87840), done.
       Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
       Alex                    2          222          180            0           42
       ASN.1                  15          656          441           87          128
       Assembly               10         5226         4764            0          462
       GNU Style Assembly   1336       372898       271937        56600        44361
       Autoconf                5          433          377           26           30
       Automake                3           31           23            3            5
       BASH                   59         2029         1368          352          309
       C                   34961     24854959     18510957      2766479      3577523
       C Header            25450     10090846      7834037      1503620       753189
       C++                     7         2267         1946           81          240
       C++ Header              2          125           59           55           11
       CSS                     3          295          172           69           54
       Device Tree          5582      1744314      1430810        83215       230289
       Gherkin (Cucumber)      1          333          199           97           37
       Happy                  10         6049         5332            0          717
       HEX                     2          173          173            0            0
       INI                     2           13            6            5            2
       JSON                  894       542554       542552            0            2
       LD Script               8          377          289           29           59
       Makefile             3062        81226        55970        12993        12263
       Module-Definition       2          128          113            0           15
       Objective-C             1           89           72            0           17
       Perl                   61        43843        34461         3909         5473
       Python                280        84204        66996         5198        12010
       RPM Specfile            1          131          111            2           18
       ReStructuredText     3672       761388       577410            0       183978
       Ruby                    1           29           25            0            4
       Shell                 957       187353       130476        23721        33156
       SVG                    79        52122        50727         1303           92
       SWIG                    1          252          154           27           71
       TeX                     1          234          155           73            6
       Plain Text           1455       134747            0       110453        24294
       TOML                    3           47           28           12            7
       Unreal Script           5          671          415          158           98
       Apache Velocity         1           15           15            0            0
       Vim script              1           42           33            6            3
       XSL                    10          200          122           52           26
       XML                    24        22177        19862         1349          966
       YAML                 4545       512759       417504        19285        75970
       HTML                    2           28           22            3            3
       |- JavaScript           1            7            7            0            0
       (Total)                             35           29            3            3
       Markdown                1          248            0          177           71
       |- BASH                 1            2            2            0            0
       |- C                    1           20           12            6            2
       (Total)                            270           14          183           73
       Rust                   91        15207        11065         2248         1894
       |- Markdown            85         7773          747         5253         1773
       (Total)                          22980        11812         7501         3667
       Total               82608     39520940     29971358      4591687      4957895