Spoke to manager this morning.
She said she’s escalating it as a “high risk” of me leaving and she will get back to me soon.
Let’s see what happens.
Edit: absolutely wrecked today. Will be leaving early. Figure they owe me a few hours from the weekend?
Edit: She’s spoken to the owner of what used to be the separate company. He’s employed as SLT within the larger org. He’s taking it to to the committee asap.
Hate to say it, and I dont mean to be negative: But nothing you’ve told us thus far about these guys fills me with confidence that they are gonna do the right thing here.
I’d keep on the seek path as a backup.
Oh definitely still interviewing for other places this week. And made about a dozen more applications this morning.
And theres the director dude I met the other day who’s going to be my mentor.
At least I’ll finally have an answer instead of being fucked around.
If you’re in that headspace always, always leave. You’re done. You’ll not be able to let past transgressions go. But don’t burn bridges, and you can potentially go back in the future.
Also by leaving you’ll get a pay bump, and then if going back a pay bump again.
I get where you’re coming from. But due to circumstances, right now the best option is to get the raise, stay for another 6 months then leave.
I can’t do another probation right now. It’s a very, very dangerous time for me. It’s insanely stressful.
As difficult as work is right now, it’s still less shit than jumping straight into another probation.
As long as I get the raise.
Otherwise, I’ll take another offer straight away.
It sounds like you have a level head on you and know what’s best for you. So I sincerely hope you get the raise mate!
But is there anything I can do to help you? My contacts are all tech centric.
I really appreciate it man. Let me have a think and get back to you :)
Hey mate
I’m going to send you a PM in a sec
There is one other thing:
I might be getting one of our month by month clients to sign a 12 month contract. Their MRR is 105k.
For the moment, it’s worth it for them to keep me happy.
yes but that is *expected * of you. they are just the type of people to expect that rather than recognize the effort it took.
Agreed. And so I’ll be holding off speaking to the client about it until they decide about my raise lol
Hope it all goes well for you and you hear back soon at least so you can start putting some steps in.
I unknowingly spoke to a board member today about my own employment worries. Ooops!
Thanks mate.
Sometimes it doesn’t hurt for someonen to understand how you feel.
I saw you were working over the weekend. I hope you get the best possible outcome, whatever that ends up being
Thanks man. I can stretch myself to 45 hours a week for the number I’ve asked for.
But we’ll see what happens.
Fireworks are going OFF in my hood. It’s NYE all over again (Lunar New Year is tomorrow, so makes sense).
I’ve started implementing supervised open window time (with flyscreen)
Because someone can’t help hanging from the fly screen and destroying them so I have to observe to make sure she doesn’t fall through it.
Cat pyramid.
She’s dorito shaped
Almost looks like a Croquembouche from a distance.
Delicious regular mince. Exquisite pre-diced frozen vegetables. Sensuous baked beans.
Luxurious instant pudding to follow.
Late work shifts suck. On 1130 to 730 this week. What it means though is that I can go get this for breakfast before work:
and that makes it kinda bearable
Our work is so late we return to base after midnight.
Is that bowltiful?
Sure is :)
Hayfever is kicking my arse today.
Tech in the office sits at his computer, but is always typing on his phone, with the little bleeps on (but he has his headphones in?). Drives me bonkers. Though just about everything is driving me bonkers today. I need to pull up my big girl pants and have another chat with my manager.
That kind of thing would turn my day into a zero productivity day. You have every right to be annoyed and those dark murderous thoughts you’re having are completely valid. (Unless they’re disabled and need those sounds of course).
If he’s disabled and needs the sounds, then they go through the headphones he’s already wearing. Not out into the general office
Which is likely 99.9°% the case here, but what if those headphones aren’t playing music and instead being worn to dampen other office noise as they have a sensory issue? I like to give people I don’t know the benefit of the doubt before deciding that they’re just a selfish inconsiderate twat. But they’re very likely just a twat.
Accomodations for your disability in the work place, while completely valid and necessary, shouldn’t get to interfere with the accomodations needed for any other person in that office. If the noise is constant and loud, that probably ruins it for at least one other office tenant with a different disability.
His noise goes through his own headphones, or a non-noise related cue is found to give him the same kind of feedback he needs, to give him what he needs while not interfering with anyone else’s equally pressing needs
I absolutely do not disagree here, office noises are one of the primary reasons I will not return to an office. In an office I can’t even deal with people eating at their desk with a ceramic bowl and a metal spoon. Crisps, then please kill me.
Usually when that tech is in the office, I make sure I have my headphones handy because he’s either talking non stop or tapping away on his phone.
Coffee Doritos review: They’re more sweet corn chips than savoury, with a hint of coffee flavour. Zero hobbits, would not buy again.
i mean this with all possible due respect: What the heck convinced you to buy them in the first place? Was just sipping my coffee and you know what I didnt think? I didnt think “Man this would be much better with hints of processed corn”
They were at Savemore. It seemed such an odd concept I figure I’d give them a go. I missed the Mountain Dew Doritos and I kinda regret not trying them. I didn’t finish the Coffee flavour packet.
It was definitely more processed corn with hints of coffee.
Coffee Doritos
I tried a raspberry twistie once. Never again
Thanks for taking one for the team and reviewing them! Even I wasn’t tempted and I love weird flavouring of chips!
I think they’ve replaced food scientists with AI.
You should brave the coke oreos that have been on clearance next
I think it’s double stuffed grape oreos available at the moment. I don’t really like oreos so I’ll step aside for someone else to report on those.
Much as I love to drink coffee, it doesn’t really sound pleasant.
So I just found out my grandma is heading to the hospital. She got gastro, but is deteriorating somehow. I think someone gave her electrolytes with a bunch of sugar mixed in, and she has T2D. Hopefully will be updated soon, because my dad looks terribly worried.
It’s very easy for older people to suffer fluid imbalances, especially adding in the hot weather and illness. Some IV rehydration and she’ll be a new woman.
Hope your grandma is OK. Gastro is no joke if you’ve got T2D, what with dehydration and all that. Keep calm and hope for the best.
sending lots of best wishes to your grandma 💐
Hope she’s okay. Big hugs for gran from me.
Goodnight everyone, and thanks for tolerating my endless chatter about work ❤️
Good night
Hi. 😊
I said I was gonna make my greasy mee goreng craving yesterday; I didn’t - but I did make it today 😋
Was missing eggs/tofu but still not too bad. Can’t beat real market fresh yellow noodles though vs the ones from the supahmahket
heck yeah
Looks like it might be another day of fieldwork tomz but I have a psych sesh at 5pm so I’m gonna have to haul myself out of bed quite early 🥱
Love those types of noodles!
ooh looks good!
I love Mee Goreng. Nutritionally it’s poor, but dam is it tasty.
Yeah this is winning absolutely no health points but I’ve been having plenty of that the last few days, today I get to indulge!
Yummmm. #NoodleGang
I appear to be crook again. Was alright late last week and just a bit tired over the weekend, very mild fever and sore throat again. Hydralyte has once again fixed me up though, same as before. Weird.
take care
Hope you feel better soon man :)
Had a day of meetings and team activities & felt like I was in an episode of the IT Crowd.
Team team team
Sounds exactly what we did at work today.
Go Team!! 📣
Ha! I think one of the in-charge people said that
One dinosaur fact I was reminded of yesterday is the Velociraptor was actually about the size of a turkey, and the dinosaurs we seen in Jurassic park are actually called Deinonychus. Michael Crichton chose the name instead because it sounded better.
Not only did he change the name, he met with the guy that discovered Deinonychus and told him he was changing the name of his dinosaur as well:
Deinonychus were featured prominently in Harry Adam Knight’s novel Carnosaur and its film adaption, and Michael Crichton’s novels Jurassic Park and The Lost World and their film adaptations, directed by Steven Spielberg. Crichton ultimately chose to use the name Velociraptor for these dinosaurs, rather than Deinonychus. Crichton had met with John Ostrom several times during the writing process to discuss details of the possible range of behaviors and life appearance of Deinonychus. Crichton at one point apologetically told Ostrom that he had decided to use the name Velociraptor in place of Deinonychus for his book, because he felt the former name was “more dramatic”. Despite this, according to Ostrom, Crichton stated that the Velociraptor of the novel was based on Deinonychus in almost every detail, and that only the name had been changed.
From Wikipedia
TIL turkeys are as big as velociraptors were 😧
I wonder if they taste the same?
Probably a lot harder to catch. So I think they went extinct for different reasons than the dodo
Probably taste like chicken.