More like “Proved them right after we spent a trillion dollars to kill 2 million mostly uninvolved people in vengeance”
Yeah, they did already hate the West. But then we gave them so many more reasons to hate us more.
Oh, shit. Was that today??
What day was 9-11 again?
i just cant ever remember if it’s day 9 of month 11 or day 11 of month 9
There’s only 7 days in a month fool
we neither have the 9th nor the 11th O.o?
Are you on Shrooms?
Eh? Many Americans write dates in the MMDDYY format, whereas the rest of the world typically writes it as DDMMYY. They’re likely not from the US, so us saying 9-11 gets them confused on if we’re referring to November 9th, or if it’s September 11th.
Unless this just whooshed over my head and it was a continuation of the above jokes… In that case, my bad.
if that was a whoosh i got whooshed too cause i have no idea what macniel’s talking about
are you talking about 9th and 11th month or day O.o?
also, just to answer the shroom part, are you on minecraft
Mushroom Stew
?No but I am sitting on
slightly weathered waxed cut copper stairs
right now.'ellow peenixc enjoyer
peenixsc? more like peecnixsc
Free slurpee day?
amazon dot ca
Did you forgor?
I could swear I set an alarm, but I might have turned it off and fell back asleep…
Good thing they made two of them so if anything happened to one they have the other as backup.
Here a fucked up fact. I worked for a company who had Datacenter 1 in Tower 2 and Datacenter 2 in Tower 1. We lost both datacenters along with most IT personnel that day. Hundreds of people lost. After that, our DR plans had to include “all hands lost” as part of the scenarios. Before 9/11, the thought of losing everything and everyone never crossed most IT departments’ minds.
Ouch. I have to ask, why did they number them that way vs numbering them according to the tower #?
But yeah, our data redundancy and contingency policy and SOP requires our offsites to be at least 50 miles away from each other. It’s not due to a specific concern for terrorist attacks, it’s mainly focused on natural disasters. But I feel like it also reduces the risk of man-made attacks.
deleted by creator
There’s actually another backup in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It’s half scale size of one of them so you could say it’s ¼ scale. The weirdest part is there is an art sculpture in front of the building of a giant black cloud and on one side it has people and then on the other side towards the building it has a bunch of airplanes that get continuously less and less organized as they go down. I lived there for a long time before I realized that that sculpture was installed well before 9/11. It’s also installed in a thing we called the center of the universe where there is an acoustic anomaly set up in the cloud has a giant knocker on it too that you can make incredibly loud booms with. I wrote up a big conspiracy thing about it long time ago somewhere on Reddit LOL.
Edit for those curious, here is the write up I made on Reddit years ago about this.
Knock knock
Who’s there?
9/11 who?
You said you’d never forget!
I lost the game
why am i seeing stretched biden laughing face on the first building 💀
Neber Forgor
omg I forgot about this: yesterday the person next to me went “9/11 happened in 2011, right?” UNIRONICALLY
I want this on a t shirt