Sleeping gods with SO. Been waiting for the local shop to restock Tides of Ruin for our second play-through, and they finally did two weeks ago. Having a great time this week.
Infinally got in a good round of kinfire delve again. Still the best solo game!
Lord of the Rings The Trick Taking Game. We finished chapter 9 last night. It definitely lives up to the hype. We’ve been loving it.
We got a few games into Charterstone many years ago and had to drop it. We picked it up again and are having a good time. We are also enjoying Yazeba’s Bed and Breakfast.
Silver Eye! Chapter 5 in the Silver card game just rolled out this week, and Silver Fang should be out later this month.
I highly recommend Silver as an easy pick it up and go kind of game. In my house we often don’t feel like getting everything out (and eventually putting it all away) for the bigger games, and often just grab the quick and easy ones to pass the evening.