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I am not The OOP, OOP is u/confusedbride2019

AITA for being ok with my parents (and family) not attending my wedding because they wonā€™t accept my friend

Originally posted to r/AmItheAsshole

TRIGGER WARNING: Transphobia, bigotry

Original Post July 28, 2019

I (28F) am marrying my fiancƩ (32M) in March.

I was in my parents home recently and I was telling them about our wedding party, which is going to include a male friend of mine as a groomsman. For some background. This male friend, weā€™ll call him Stephen, went to high school with me and is a post op trans man. My fiancĆ© said heā€™d love to have Stephen as a groomsman, and i asked Stephen and he was delighted!

Then, I told my parents, and they were like ā€œoh we didnā€™t realise she (yep, she) was going to be actually in the wedding. Sheā€™ll be in all the photographs, we donā€™t think thatā€™s appropriateā€ So I was obviously instantly mad.They then said that they werenā€™t going to be comfortable attending and being in all the photographs with her (yep, her again), and that I would need to remove Stephen from the wedding party if I wanted them to come to the wedding.

So I basically told them that if they werenā€™t comfortable they didnā€™t have to come. I left, came home and immediately transferred them the money for the wedding dress. I then get a phone call from my mother telling me that they will pay for the whole wedding if I remove Stephen. Basically bribing us. I just told her I needed space and I hung up.

That was 3 days ago and I havenā€™t spoken to them. Iā€™m shocked because they have never spoken ill of Stephen before,! Iā€™m upset that they would show so little respect to someone who is so important to me. I am also upset that they have so little respect for me that they think I would turn my back on a lifelong friend for money.

I donā€™t know if I should speak to them in a few days when everything has calmed down, or if I should leave it to them. A few people Iā€™ve spoken to have said Iā€™m being a bit of an asshole because theyā€™re my parents, and they have a right to an opinion even if itā€™s something I donā€™t agree with. That Iā€™ll regret them not being at my wedding and that realistically it will ruin our relationship. Iā€™ve had aunts and uncles calling me saying that this will tear our family apart and Iā€™m being selfish. A cousin texted me to say that Iā€™m choosing friends over family and that she and her parents wonā€™t be attending if my parents arenā€™t, and the same for other members of the family. So itā€™s basically blew up into this huge deal where a good portion of my family will likely not attend either!

My view is that I donā€™t think itā€™s selfish to want to celebrate my day with everyone I love. I feel like the ball is in their court and they have the choice to come or allow their bigotry to stop them attending their only childs wedding!

Also to be clear I am 100% not removing Stephen from my wedding or taking the money, Iā€™m not considering either option (my fiancĆ© is in full agreement). But I just want to know if Iā€™m the asshole for so easily accepting that my parents (and by default a lot of my family) wonā€™t be coming to my wedding?




Nope. You are absolutely 100% NTA. Although reddit is full of some horrible people who are probably going to come in here and tell you otherwise. I would have absolutely done the same thing for any of my trans friends. And the thing is, you get married (in theory) ONCE in your life, and the fact that your parents would rather stand by their bigotry than attend your wedding just goes to show how deep that hatred and misunderstanding runs. They are absolutely the assholes in this situation. And I really, really hope you understand how wonderful and supportive of a friend you are being. What you have done for Stephen is a perfect example of how allies should act.

I donā€™t know how recently this conversation was, but if it is really fresh then give it some time. Then I would call them up and say you really wanted your parents at your wedding, but this is absolutely something you are standing your ground on, and while you wonā€™t stand for them saying or doing anything to hurt Stephen, if they would like to attend and keep their opinions to themselves then they are still invited. This is ONLY if you actually want them there and you think they wouldnā€™t ruin your wedding by being unable to hold their opinions to themselves. Donā€™t let other people judging you convince you to extend the invitation back to them. If itā€™s more important to you to keep a totally safe space for Stephen then by all means make them stay far away from the ceremony.

My parents are both equally as hateful towards the LGBT+ community and POC, and I would absolutely do the same thing that you did if they expressed issues with my wedding party. Because of that though I also understand how bad it can hurt when you realize that your parents can hate more fiercely than their love for you runs. I doubt any of your friends passing the judgement on you have taken even a second to consider how raw and abandoned you might feel deep beneath the anger. But this wedding is about YOU and your husband, and if that includes Stephen then dont let anyone tell you different. Take care of yourself and donā€™t let anyone try to take your moment away from you. I think you are a brave ally and a wonderful friend. Stephen is lucky to have you. I hope you have a beautiful wedding and a happy marriage. You deserve it!


Thank you, youā€™ve sort of hit the nail on the head, I feel very hurt that they would feel this way but also that they would let those feelings get in the way of something so important to me.

Also thank you for saying Iā€™m a good friend. Honestly itā€™s not hard to be a good friend to him because he is such an amazing person. Iā€™ve been lucky beyond measure to have him in my life for the last 14 years and to know heā€™s in my corner for life!


I think it would be a good idea to mention that phrase if you do get the chance to have a discussion- ā€œIt is disappointing to see you would choose to hate someone more than you love me.ā€ It May make them take a look at themselves. Also NTA, obviously.

UPDATE: First off I want to say thank you for all the lovely comments, and for people taking the time to weigh in! I tried to keep up with them all and I just couldnā€™t, so Iā€™m so sorry if I couldnā€™t get to your comment!

Just to be very clear, I was not asking if I am asshole for standing up for my friend, I stand by my actions 100%. I am trying to figure out if I should have done more to convince my parents to come rather than simply accepting they wonā€™t be there.

I am going to take the advice many of you have suggested and have another sit down with my parents and reiterate my feelings. I will be firm with them and remind them that they are welcome to come but that if they do I expect them to be kind and courteous to all!

I will do an update when I speak to them, thank you again reddit x

Update July 30, 2019

Hi Everyone (sorry for some reason this post was deleted from the AITA page so I just thought Iā€™d post here and then at least some people might see it)

Just wanted to do an update since everyone was just so kind and helpful in the comments!

I met my parents for lunch yesterday, and just laid everything out. I stood my ground and explained to them that Stephen would be in the wedding and that I wouldnā€™t be accepting any money from them. I asked them why none of this has come up before and they basically said theyā€™ve been holding their tongues and this has just brought it all to a head. So theyā€™ve basically always had this issue, but I suppose have never had a reason to bring it up, because they didnā€™t want to start a fight.

At the moment we are at a bit of an impasse, they are still saying they wonā€™t be attending. But I have reiterated that if they can put their feelings aside they are welcome, no questions asked on the day. My only requirement is that they are kind and courteous to all in attendance. So I guess we will just have to wait and see!

I have sent a message to my cousins explaining the situation and Iā€™ve yet to hear back so thatā€™s up in the air too.

I feel like I also need to say that I have spoken to Stephen about this. I know a lot of people said I shouldnā€™t speak to him about it, but that just wasnā€™t an option for us. We have a very open friendship and we are always honest with each other! He always would have known something was up if a big chunk of my family just suddenly werenā€™t at my wedding! He was obviously very upset, and he immediately offered to step back from the wedding party. Both my fiancĆ© and I were adamant about how important it was for us that he remain part of the wedding. My fiancĆ© said that he is an important part of our lives and it would mean a lot if he was standing up there beside him. We all cried a bit, and ultimately heā€™s staying!

So thatā€™s really where we are at right now, itā€™s not an ideal situationā€¦

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