A lot of western communities are designed to stimulate consumerism. A lot of things to do in your free time revolve around buying stuff or drinking (alcohol). Even eating in your free time costs money, sometimes a lot of money even.

I live in a city that claims to have the most bars, cafés, restaurants etc. in the world. A lot of free time here revolves around drinking. I also sit down at a café often.

Recently a new park opened close to where I live. When it was flaming hot outside I went to spent my evenings there at some water pools and had diner there. A lot of people around me were just chilling, chatting and playing games. It reminded me of covid, when everything was closed (bars and shops). Everyone in the city was just outside, vibing in parks, playgrounds and similar places.

It made me wonder how a communist society would effect free time. A lot of lesser capitalistic, more collectivist societies already seem to focus on different ways to spend free time.

What do you guys think about this? Does anyone have some interesting theory to read regarding this topic?

  • I don’t know of any theory discussing this, but here are some ideas

    • People would likely travel more (for leisure) due to the massive decrease in working hours and a well-functioning public transportation system (e.g. high-speed trains)
    • District-based planning would lead to more local restaurants/pubs, rather than having them concentrated in a small area, so you would get a different sense of community in your local establishments
    • There would be far more public parks and vegetation in general
    • There would be many public areas for recreation (e.g. sports), both outside and inside
    • Because of the other available activities and the lack of a constant barrage of ads, people would probably spend significantly less time in shopping malls
      • Another thing: free in-person and online education on various subjects, for recreational purposes (e.g. learning to play guitar) or to learn skills for another job. We already have access to a huge amount of educational material online, but I imagine most people lack the time and/or motivation to study after work in capitalist countries