#MiniFlux users, can anyone help?

Hi all. I’m having some issues with MiniFlux, a #SelfHosted #RSSReader, and hoping someone can help. MiniFlux was working fine until I tried to deploy ReactFlux on the same domain as it, rss.laniecarmelo.tech, on a subpath, /reactflux. This didn’t work so I removed ReactFlux. I also migrated MiniFlux from #Docker to #Pacman package, thinking it would be easier on my system. This problem, or a similar one, was occurring before I did that though.

Now, rss.laniecarmelo.tech loads the MiniFlux login page, but when I login, it redirects to a blank page at rss.laniecarmelo.tech/login. I’ve added trusted proxies and cookie configuration to my miniflux.conf and headers to my Caddyfile, but I still have the issue.

I’m using #Caddy for #ReverseProxy and #Cloudflare for #SSO. Has anyone seen anything like this before? This is on a #RaspberryPi500 running #ArchLinuxARM.

I’ve checked MiniFlux logs, and it’s getting the login requests and creating sessions. I’m not sure what’s happening after that. Cloudflared and Caddy seem to be working normally.

#SelFhosting #Linux #RSS #RaspberryPi #RPi #tech #technology
@selfhost @selfhosted @selfhosting

  • just_another_person@lemmy.world
    26 days ago

    You don’t have paths for your reverse proxies. You need to tell them where these routes go if this is 30X redirect, otherwise, they have no idea what you’re trying to get to.

    Use your browser console to track the requests and report back.