Get. Out. Really? So, if you shoplift a greeting card when you’re in your teens, you have to keep looking over your shoulder and expect a knock on your door even when you’re 80?
That’s an oddly specific item to shoplift and I doubt anyone would bother pursuing you for it like 65 years later but technically yea if there was evidence of you committing a crime and you haven’t already been tried for it you still can be.
Get. Out. Really? So, if you shoplift a greeting card when you’re in your teens, you have to keep looking over your shoulder and expect a knock on your door even when you’re 80?
That’s an oddly specific item to shoplift and I doubt anyone would bother pursuing you for it like 65 years later but technically yea if there was evidence of you committing a crime and you haven’t already been tried for it you still can be.