I’m following #Vancouver hash tags and I don’t see anything showing up on my Home feed; there’s been new posts since following the hashtag though. Those new posts with the hashtag should be showing up on my Home feed right? I know they do on pixelfed.social.
I see a post on my pixelfed.social home feed for an account @pixelfed.ca that has #Vancouver in the post… but on my pixelfed.ca home feed, I’m not seeing that post. I can search for it though? Is there some kind of home feed setting I’m missing?
Does anyone else have a similar experience with following hash tags that aren’t showing on the home feed?
Just wanted to bump this post as this issue still persists. At least for me.
Same. Only pixelfed.social doesn’t have this issue. I wonder if that’s on purpose some how
i think it has to do with how federation works. i believe it will only show posts for that hashtag that it knows about. and typically it’s only for local users and any people they follow, but it doesn’t back fetch any posts so it will currently be fairly limited. so as pixelfed.ca gets more users, it will get better and they start following more users, it will slowly improve.
hope that makes sense?
That makes sense… but I am not sure that’s what is happening with my case… maybe I’m wrong.
I followed the hashtag before the new post were made with the hashtag. Do I need to follow the account that posted it too? It’s odd cause the account that posted with the hashtag, is an @pixelfed.ca account. So I would have thought that post definitely should show up on my home feed.
Order of operations:
- I searched for #Vancouver, there was one post with that tag found.
- I follow the hashtag. Nothing on my home feed still (expected).
- After a few hours (or a day) my home feed still doesn’t show anything with #Vancouver, so I searched the hashtag again, this time, there’s two posts in the search results. Neither show up on my home feed.
- I open the post to the new #vancouver post, and notice it’s from an account on @pixelfed.ca too. Shouldn’t this post show up on my home feed at least?
Hopefully that is a bit more clear.
hmm that is strange. will poke around to see if i can figure anything out.
Thank you 🙏 if you need help with posts to test with, I can post some stuff too 🫡
yeah I’m definitely seeing the same behavior. none of the hashtagged posts from accounts I’m not following are not showing in my feed.
will continue to investigate and will maybe check the open pixelfed issues to see if this is issue other people are having too.
edit: I checked in pixelix, official pixelfed android app and web and none seem to show any posts from followed hashtags. weird.
I wonder if pixelfed.social is running on a different commit, because it’s able to pull those hashtags on the home feed.
There was another user that mentioned they have the same issue on pixelfed.ca:
i found some issues with the same issue, so at least it’s not just our instance:
https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/issues/4485in that second issue a user does say it was somehow fixed, but not sure how. will keep searching to see if I can find a solution.
Ohhh interesting. Would have been nice if that person shared the solution the admin found. Maybe the pixelfed discord has some clues. I’ll take a look this evening 🙏