The Chinese leader has flown out to South Africa for the summit but asked his commerce minister to read out his remarks.

    1 year ago

    Nope. Americans don’t care about any of that shit, which is why they never focus on nations other than China who are engaging in it. They’re not engaged in a trade war with those other nations, but they are with China.

    Where do you think your cobalt comes from? I don’t see anyone saying we should stop trading with the nations who use child labor to bring us our precious metal for cheap prices. Why? Because those nations make rich Americans even richer. China doesn’t do that.

    Those same nations also engage in significantly worse human rights abuses than China.

    unabashed pillaging of our intellectual property

    Yeah, this is part of that ‘trade war’ I was talking about. Not sure why you support hoarding information so rich people can be richer. Oh wait, it’s because you think they deserve it. My bad.

    Silly me.

    Hey man, we all make mistakes sometimes. The key is to learn from them.