• archomrade [he/him]
    2 years ago

    What if you don’t want to own? I don’t.

    There are other, communally-owned options that would fit that exact function. Housing co-ops are a perfect example and avoid the tempting coercive relationships with private landlords. You can live an apartment that isn’t owned by a landlord. Your inability to see beyond your own direct experience isn’t my responsibility, except as to slap you in the face with it when you decide you don’t want to think about it.

    Rent and prices are directly correlated to the same things.

    If you’re pissed off about housing costs that’s another story.

    Huh, weird, that sounds like two, contradicting statements to me. Yup, rent and market price are absolutely tied together. You buy a house to rent out? That’s one less available to purchase to live in from the housing stock. You buy a bunch of land and build apartments on it? Sure, you just created a bunch of homes to live in! Congratulations. Too bad they aren’t for sale, and now that person owns all the stock in that location, allowing them to lord over those in need of a home.

    you just sound like an uneducated crazy person when you go around ranting like a lunatic about rent extraction

    Funny, because from my perspective you’re the one in need of an education, otherwise I wouldn’t be ranting about something you don’t understand. If you’re gonna simp for capitalism, at least fuckin’ read something written by the guy who first described it.