I’m guessing they did this because my comment didn’t have the correct positive vibes for them on their post when they’re the moderator.
It’s funny because 196 and almost all of its derivatives are rightfully anti-tankie because tankies promote centrism and conservatism directly harmful to trans and gay rights.
I’m not certain this is what happened, but are you aware that “cultural Marxism” specifically is a right wing conspiracy and not synonymous with being a tankie. Because to me a “cultural Marxism” tag on a post like that is almost certainly ironic. I could see someone mistakenly thinking troll since your comment doesn’t make sense to someone familiar with the term.
Nah I didn’t know, I can never follow all these trends where words have different meanings than the actual meanings of the words.
It’s from r/196 on reddit. Short version is “cultural marxism” is the new term for “cultural bolshevism” (dogwhistle for jews in WWII era) and 196 stole it to use ironically for “this is what the left wants” style shitposts.
This is another problem with all these ironic postings. They end up being repeated by people who don’t understand them, and then we get into these situations. I really dislike when people use fashy dogwhistles like “degenerate” and “cultural marxism” ironically.
Agreed, it also makes things very problematic when people come in and start using them unironically as well. Really unless people are going to reclaim dogwhistles or otherwise harmful terms, they just shouldn’t be using them at all.
this helped me understand thank you
Ty I appreciate being informed like this.
Its not exactly a new term, but its become more commonplace since the right wing online content mill started running with it. Actually going to recommend not googling it, because you will be inundated primarily with right wing propaganda. There are a number of good sources who have covered the conspiracy and the online personalities that push it.
That’s literally been it’s only meaning, a propaganda term meant to paint everyone left of the Republicans as mass murdering totalitarians for insisting we treat black people with dignity.
It could also be marxism from a cultural perspective, you ever consider that?
Hi, I’m the original mod who banned you for that, your original comment seemed to come across as trolling because as other commenters have pointed out “cultural Marxism” specifically is a right-wing conspiracy theory, and also the immediate implication that me or the OP are tankies from what is ultimately a silly meme in a shitposting community felt uncharitable. Since it seems like I made a mistake and you didn’t mean any harm I’ll go ahead and unban you from the community.
Edit: Upon more consideration, I have decided to reverse this descision, this is both because of evidence sent in by another user, as well as me being prompted to check their modlog, and yeah… it is awful… PSA to all mods out there, check a person’s modlog before granting appeals, everyone has modlog history, but you can tell a lot about them as a person including their intents from that history. Especially from the contents of removed comments.
Nah I think I’ll block you dudes, thanks tho.
You should edit the post to put [resolved] in the title, since your issue has been officially resolved at this point.
But that would interfere with their terrible attempts to troll
Yeah looking at their post and modlog history I’m thinking it was a mistake on my part to grant them an unban. Acted way too quickly without considering their history. Which is pretty bad all things considered, I thought maybe I had made a mistake but it seems my only mistake was not explaining their ban better in the first place.
You used a white supremacist dog whistle that’s been rampantly popular among the far-right for years. You say you didn’t know that, but with how often it’s used, I don’t think that’s a very believable excuse.
If this wasn’t a BPR by you, then at the very least YDI.
The meme used a white supremacist dog whistle and I interpreted the words as their literal meaning instead of their dog whistle meaning, but the fact remains that my comment was very clearly and very consistently anti-tankie which is absolutely a core belief of 196.
Yea, but the problem is that there is no different literal meaning from the dog whistle. What would ‘cultural Marxism’ even mean to a Marxist?
Nobody is questioning your anti-tankie bona-fides here. We’re pointing to the irony of someone trying hard to otherize tankies from other leftists accidentally appropriating a term that’s pretty much exclusively used to malign both for the acceptance of LGBTQ expression.
Belonging to a cultural group who believes in the political ideology of Marxism. What part of that sounds like something White Supremacists cooked up? You absolutely require context to understand this is a play on “Cultural Bolshevism” which was just code for Jews.
Yea, see, that’s the problem - both of those terms are intended to describe a ‘culture’ of acceptance/normalization of lgbtq and non-traditional expression and associate it with the revolutionary language of Marx - the implication being that Marxists are intentionally pushing those norms and values as a part of their revolutionary action.
All of which is relevant to the actual content of the original post - either you simply missed the whole point of the meme or you’ve accepted the premise of the term itself.
You interpreted the words as their literal meaning? And pray tell me, what is their literal meaning? The words don’t mean anything except as a dog whistle. Explain to me how you looked at those two words together, and thought, yeah, that’s a normal phrase that’s said.
culture /kŭl′chər/
The arts, beliefs, customs, institutions, and other products of human work and thought considered as a unit, especially with regard to a particular time or social group.These arts, beliefs, and other products considered with respect to a particular subject or mode of expression.
The set of predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize a group or organization.
The socialist philosophy and political program developed by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Any social or political philosophy or ideology derived from the thought of Karl Marx.Right, now stop being cute and tell me what those words mean in the context of each other. Define cultural Marxism. If they’re normal words, surely you know what they mean together.
Idk how you’re not understanding this. Did you think I was just being dramatic when I said literal and therefor meant metaphorical?
Marxism is explicitly a materialist worldview - it has no real way of comparing cultural qualities
Unless you just mean ‘the culture of marxists’, but then you’ve pretty much taken up the term in its original meaning. Especially since the original post is about transgenter identity…
Marxism is explicitly a materialist worldview - it has no real way of comparing cultural qualities
Jesus fucking Christ. Every time I think I’ve seen peak tankie stupidity, a new gem emerges.
It’s an ideology
ideologies are inherently culture
I’m not sure how that comment would be trolling, but I’m also not sure why you have a screen shot of a comment that’s being written.
What was the original comment?
Here is a screenshot of the comment:
Theres a link to it in the description, it says removed by mod
Thats why its in edit mode. You can also see thats what it says in the modlog which shows what the comment was when it was removed by the mod.
Gotcha! It didn’t show in the mod log for me. Not sure why.
Yeah, if that isn’t PTB, it’s definitely a clueless mod. I have no clue how someone could take that comment as violating any of the rules of that C/, much less as trolling.
This just weird. Most power trips, you can at least see why they’re making the decision, even when it’s shitty decision. This one looks utterly random and out of place.
Have you contacted the mods? It’s strange enough that it might have been a mistake
Yeah it was a mistake, I initially though they were a troll because cultural Marxism is a common right wing talking point, and the fact that they were assuming or implying that me and OP were that or tankies simply for having it in the meme, clearly depicted in a negative manner I should add, it seemed less than good faith to say the least. Since it’s clear they meant no ill intent, at least this time I have removed their ban.
Also as to why the removal doesn’t show, that’s a quirk of the Lemmy software and how it handles ban with content removal. It’s a bug and it really needs to be fixed ASAP.
YDI, a quick google search before commenting would’ve cleared this up.
Why would you search a combination of any two words that are almost universally known?
If their usage didn’t match with the context ie with a 196 lgbt furry shitpost about internet trauma
Hindsight is 20/20 but I don’t think there is ever a good reason to ban anti-tankie sentiments.
Sure there is. Wherein anti-tankies overlap with fascists.
You don’t drive out red fash by inviting in the regular variety. “There was an old woman who swallowed a fly” energy.
Wherein anti-tankies overlap with fascists.
“Cultural Marxism” refers to a far-right antisemitic conspiracy theory that misrepresents Western Marxism (especially the Frankfurt School) as being responsible for modern progressive movements, identity politics, and political correctness.
Thing is, Tankies end up promoting the Far Right. So that’s not really a good argument.
Tankies claim Marxism but from their actions consequentially promote none of its ideals.
To oppose Tankies is truly Left and anti-authoritarian.
‘Cultural marxism’ being mistaken for ML terminology in a comment that’s trying to scold a shitpost for being too friendly toward the wrong kind of leftist is just a little too on the nose.
Color me surprised that the kind of user who goes out of their way to broadcast their anti-tankie allegiances isn’t familiar with the broadly-used reactionary pejorative used to describe liberals that has been around since at least the 1990’s
I think theres no question that my comment and my allegience was anti-tankie despite my pop culture terminology lexicons blindspots.
If that offends you then maybe you’re not very anti-tankie yourself.
From the context and the mod comments here, seems like a BPR. Good to see that YPTB helped handle it.
I don’t really know what the comment in question even means but please change your community icon to something with a non-identical font/brand styling unless you intend to share leadership and moderation with ! Thank you.
Edit: Sorry if this came off as aggressive, I’m not going to die on this hill. It’s a lovely icon it’s just giving the weird vibe that these are associated communities which is worse for both brands if they are not. :)
The icon was made by the same artist who designed the one from the other community, and unless someone designs something better or similarly high quality, it won’t be changed. I do intend to invite more moderators in the future but have not gotten around to it yet. If anyone from that community would like to help moderate this one I’d be happy to add them though.
Thanks for your response. I don’t like that it’s so similar because it gives the impression that they are sister communities. That illusion is less of a deceit if there actually is collaboration between communities, so I certainly encourage you to reach out to mods of the blahaj community to get those interested on board.
I have just opened mod applications on the community, mods from there are encouraged to join and will even get priority over other users who apply.
Lovely! I personally think that’s awesome. :)
(Apologies again if my first message came off harsh, I should have been more careful with my tone! I just want what’s best for both communities and part of that certainly lies in the branding associations that may or may not reflect reality.)
“it’s a crosspost from someone else” says the person that posted it? A crosspost is a type of post.