I have a VPS that I use to host a Nextcloud instance for my family. I host it there because my internet can be unreliable at times due to my rural location. I have an Unraid server at home that I use to host several services, but most file storage, for my family on our local network.
Previously I’ve been using https://github.com/juanitomint/nextcloud-client-docker to sync my files hosted on my VPS with my local Unraid server for each of my users. It has worked well for a few years, up until last week when I upgraded my Nextcloud on the VPS to 31.0.0.
I don’t use the Nextcloud Client because I can’t find it in a docker and I have multiple users I’m syncing to their appropriate file shares.
I’ve tried a few other Webdav related dockers to sync and I’m not having much luck. Most of them only seem to sync the main folder, so maybe I’m missing some argument or something?
Any advice or help is appreciated!
I’m not too sure how Netxcloud operates its storage, but rclone is likely a very good option, here. Hopefully you can “go behind” the nextcloud instance and simply pull the data directly to your local storage.
Nextcloud doesnt really like when you do thus, it stores file locations in its database and hand manages them.
Could work for a local instance though if you set up a cron job to rescan the dir every night or so
Well that’s shit.