Ah. So it’s the tech/protocol/[correctlabel] that’s behind the technology that allows me to just hold down the home button on my Samsung S24 while looking at that picture so I can just paint and copypaste this from the image?
That looks pretty good, and yes that is an accurate finding about your phones feature. We can take this one step further though, if you can find a good webp to pdf converter like Sterling-pdf (self-host able but I don’t have a machine with me at work to do this rn), then you can convert the PDF to markdown and it will preserve the formatting. Then we can convert it to HTML and we’ve reverse engineered the page in the image and could even publish it onto the open web!
Edit: actually you can probably skip the markdown step now that I think about it lol
Ah. So it’s the tech/protocol/[correctlabel] that’s behind the technology that allows me to just hold down the home button on my Samsung S24 while looking at that picture so I can just paint and copypaste this from the image?
Aimonetti Altik Armstrong Balajadia Beynon Biasini Bobba Boizelle Bryant Burnham Coristine 16 17 Jacob Anthony Jennifer Alexandra Riccardo Akash Ashley Emily James Edward Steven Marko Luke 18 Davis Elez Farritor Fox Hanley 19 20 Holmes 21 Killian 22 Kmiec Lahera Lindemann Musk Joshua Joshua Stephanie Gautier Keenan Nicholas Kendall Elon Noah Nikhil Adam Austin 23 24 25 26 Peters 27 Rajpal 28 Ramada 29 30 31 Shaotran 32 33 34 35 Raynor Schutt Smith Stanley Wick Wiles 36 Young Kyle Ethan Brad Christopher Jordan Susan Christopher Removed by Reddit 1 Display Nne Aimonetti, Justin W. Altik, Jacob R. Armstrong, Anthony J. Balajadia, Jennifer Beynon, Alexandra T. Biasini, Riccardo N. Bobba, Akash N. Boizelle, Ashley S. Bryant, Emily L. Burnham, James Coristine, Edward H. Davis, Steven M. Elez, Marko Farritor, Luke E. Fox, Joshua Hanley, Joshua A. Holmes, Stephanie M. Killian, Gautier C. Kmiec, Keenan D. Lahera, Nicholas Lindemann, Kendall M. Musk, Elon R. Peters, Noah Rajpal, Nikhil Ramada, Adam Raynor, Austin L. Schutt, Kyle L. Shaotran, Ethan Smith, Brad M. Stanley, Christopher A. Wick, Jordan M. Wiles, Susan S. Young, Christopher J. Justin.W.Aimonetti@doge.eop.gov Jacob.R.Altik@doge.eop.gov Anthony.J.Armstrong@doge.eop.gov Jennifer.Balajadia@doge.eop.gov Alexandra.T.Beynon@doge.eop.gov Riccardo.N.Biasini@doge.eop.gov Akash.N.Bobba@doge.eop.gov Ashley.S.Boizelle@doge.eop.gov Emily.L. Bryant@doge.eop.gov James.Burnham@doge.eop.gov Edward.H.Coristine@doge.eop.gov Steven.M.Davis@doge.eop.gov Marko.Elez@doge.eop.gov Luke.E.Farritor@doge.eop.gov Joshua.Fox@doge.eop.gov Joshua.A.Hanley@doge.eop.gov Stephanie.M.Holmes2@doge.eop.gov Gautier.C.Killian@doge.eop.gov Keenan.D.Kmiec@doge.eop.gov Nicholas.Lahera@doge.eop.gov Kendall.M.Lindemann@doge.eop.gov erm71@who.eop.gov Noah.Peters@doge.eop.gov Nikhil. Rajpal@doge.eop.gov Adam.Ramada@doge.eop.gov Austin.L. Raynor@doge.eop.gov Kyle.L.Schutt@doge.eop.gov Ethan.Shaotran@doge.eop.gov Brad.M.Smith@doge.eop.gov Jordan.M.Wick@doge.eop.gov Susan.S.Wiles@who.eop.gov Christopher. Stanley@doge.eop.gov Christopher.).Young@doge.eop.gov
This here?
Oh yeah. That looks good even on PC.
That looks pretty good, and yes that is an accurate finding about your phones feature. We can take this one step further though, if you can find a good webp to pdf converter like Sterling-pdf (self-host able but I don’t have a machine with me at work to do this rn), then you can convert the PDF to markdown and it will preserve the formatting. Then we can convert it to HTML and we’ve reverse engineered the page in the image and could even publish it onto the open web!
Edit: actually you can probably skip the markdown step now that I think about it lol