This car is an absolute shitbox with a million electrical issues. Just got a new starter 2 weeks ago, and the alternator was replaced 18 months ago, so i knew the battery was the likely culprit.
Anyway, gonna make my ancestors proud and go throw the old battery into Lake Erie
I just discovered today that the wide black box on top of the battery is the fuse box. Been trying to find it since i got the car back in October. There is a parasitic drain on the car somewhere, so i really need to get around to pulling fuses and figure out what system is the problem. That little black box sitting on the air filter is a remote disconnect for the battery to stop it from getting drained after a few hours
It’s corrosion at the fuse block
Worst design ever.
Had to replace ours multiple times
Doesn’t it have the fuses in the dash where the driver door opens?
That’s for the cabin stuff, not the engine.
There’s roughly 30 fuses there, maybe one of those is your culprit.
Wont know until i get a volt-meter set up. I’m in the middle of moving apartments.