• normalexit@lemmy.world
    9 hours ago

    Every day my investment portfolio is losing between $1000-$10000. I wish he’d just fuck off for a week (well or forever) and not screw with anything, but alas that is his plan.

    I cashed out some stock that seemed extra volatile: Ford, some tech stocks, and anything travel related. I opened a CD with the proceeds, and I’ll just sit on it for a year until things hopefully calm down. Interest rates on CDs are around 4% if you shop around. It’s not the best return, but it’s better than getting completely pummelled in the stock market.

    All in all that wasn’t a ton of money and my 401ks aren’t worth touching until things get crazier, so basically I’m just holding the line and trying to save a few profits where possible. Gold is probably a good idea, but I’m not a very sophisticated trader.

    I think him simultaneously ruining the stock market and dismantling social security might just jostle people enough to wake up and pay attention.