Not sure how I die, but I guess I’m coming back to life after …
Oh, no…
By a spear, then repawn after 3 days
No idea
Sleeping with the fishes
Death by simulation crashing.
Or if going by the actual username and not the display name: Death By Air Conditioner Crashing On My Head Beacause I’m Too Indecisive To Choose Anything
Aka: The Chidi Death
…that last step will be a doozy.
Oh god
I guess I spontaneously turn into manure?
Some kind of ancient forest spirit emerges from the woods, consumes my soul and leaves my body in a coma before fading back into the trees without a trace.
Too many pineapples
Guess I run into traffic, yelling and waving at the taxi that just deliberately passed me by. Then I get hit by a truck.
A remake of Alien but with a meerkat
By Japanese sword thrust
I’ll live for eternity I guess. Really don’t want that tbh