My impression is that contrary to the headline, this isn’t a young vs old thing, but a follows-the-news vs doesn’t-follow-news thing
My impression is that contrary to the headline, this isn’t a young vs old thing, but a follows-the-news vs doesn’t-follow-news thing
Well I suppose you could always whine about it online instead?
It costs you nothing to register as a Dem so you can vote against these fuckers in the primaries, except maybe some worthless sense of idealogical purity.
I have 0 desire to be mercilessly spammed by the Dems or Repubs because I registered with their party.
Plus no one but me should know / needs to know my party affiliation. In today’s day and age of wanting more privacy, this is part of it. I don’t want to be on the wrong side of history because I was registered with a party.
Apparantly you also have 0 desire to see effective change unless it’s exactly as you want it, because you refuse to participate on principal.
Good day sir
Hard to when people decide they’d rather stand on principle than actually act.