Fuck Cuck Schumer
I will never vote for him again.
Better yet, support the next candidate willing to primary him in the next election.
Make sure to spread the word with like-minded and/or politically disengaged friends, family and colleagues.
Given its New York State, the winner of the primary will be the winner of the general election.
This is what you’re voting for when you pull the lever for a Democrat.
Dems are pissed at him.
No. Dems are just putting on a show, same as they always do. The only difference is the villains have changed.
No, Dems are pissed at him, and at the Congressional Dems who supported him. You just can’t understand that Schumer and those elected Dems are not the majority of the Dems. They’re just the people in power.
Respectfully, you’re wrong.
I remember when Dems were supposedly mad at Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema.
I remember when they were supposedly mad at Dianne Feinstein before that.
This is a play. That’s all it is. They pretend to be mad but never actually use any of the power they have to hold these people accountable, and Chuck’s been pulling this shit long enough that they know who they’re dealing with. They put him in that position knowing exactly who he is.